Speaking of mystery movies, as I was not too long ago, Turner Classic Movies is having a special on them this month — a total of no fewer than 53 of them are going to be shown on Tuesdays and Wednesdays during the month of March. Make sure your Tivo’s and (if need be) old-tech VCR’s are ready for these:

Five “All-Star Classics” (including The Maltese Falcon, of course)

Four Sherlock Holmes (all, I believe, with Basil Rathbone)


Four Lone Wolf (with Warren Williams, and seldom seen on TV)

Five police detective films (including Naked City)

Four Dick Tracy (with Morgan Conway)


Four Nancy Drew (with Bonita Granville)


Two “society sleuths” (Nick Charles and Philo Vance, not in the same movie)

Four movies with amateur detectives (including The Penguin Pool Murder, with Edna Mae Oliver as Miss Withers)

Four Saint films (Leslie Charteris’ favorite character)

Four with “The Falcon” (George Sanders and Tom Conway)


Five more recent PI flicks (Chinatown and more)

Eight Boston Blackie films (with Chester Morris, and also seldom seen on TV)

   That adds up to 53, doesn’t it? I don’t know if I’ll be taping all of the above, but some of these are absolute musts.