Reviews by L. J. Roberts


LEE CHILD – Die Trying. Jack Reacher #2. Putnam, hardcover, 1998. Jove, paperback, 1999. Setting: Montana.

   Jack Reacher, former MP and expert sharpshooter, just tries to be a nice guy to a woman having trouble folding her dry cleaning. In exchange, they both end up being kidnapped and taken to a paramilitary camp in Montana. The woman isn’t just anyone; Holly Johnson is an FBI agent with a very powerful father and godfather. The militarists don’t want money, they want to start their own

   Strong characters, excellent dialogue and non-stop, albeit very violent, action combine to make this a fast, entertaining read. I’d categorize this as a perfect airplane book — a great book in which to escape for a few hours, but not one you’re likely to collect or reread.

Rating: Very Good.

— Reprinted from the primary Mystery*File website, January 2006.