William F. Deeck

MARGARET MILLAR – Fire Will Freeze. Random House, hardcover, 1944. Dell #157, mapback edition, 1947. Signet P3101, paperback, February 1967. International Polygonics Library, paperback, 1987.

   In a mental letter to the Messrs. Abercrombie & Fitch, Miss Isobel Seton writes: “Because one of your irresponsible clerks did not prevent me from buying a pair of skis, I am sitting here in what these damned Canadians call a Sno-bus, which means a bus that meets a Sno-train and conveys one to a Sno-lodge. I am marooned in the wilds of Quebec in a raging Sno-storm.”

   That’s not the worst. When the Sno-bus driver gets out ostensibly to check a tire chain, he abandons the bus and its occupants. Trying to follow him, they discover a house, from which they are shot at and which contains the dotty Miss Rudd. Miss Rudd likes to cut up things, but would she have cut her favorite cat’s throat? And who would have expected, despite the presence of the mostly odd former occupants of the bus, two corpses?

   Amid the laughter, you probably will find yourself casting worried glances over your shoulder.

— Reprinted from MYSTERY READERS JOURNAL, Vol. 6, No. 2, Summer 1990, “Vacation for Murder.”