RICHARD FORREST – The Death at Yew Corner. Bea & Lyon Wentworth #5. Holt, Rinehart & Winston, hardcover, 1980. Dell / Scene of the Crime #76, paperback, 1984.

   Connecticut’s own amateur sleuthing team of Bea and Lyon Wentworth are back at it again. This is the fifth case they’ve tackled in tandem, which doesn’t yet put them into the superstar category of a Mr. and Mrs. North, but it is enough to start attracting them some attention.

   In this one Bea, who has just lost her bid for a state congressional seat, finds a place to vent her energies when an old friend dies in a mysterious nursing home accident. Joining her in her investigation is her husband, Lyon, author of all those marvelous children’s stories about the Wobblies.

   Murphysville, which may or may not be Middletown in disguise, is also the scene of an ugly ongoing confrontation between the management of the convalescent home and its angry, militant employees. There is a connection, as Bea soon discovers.

   A surprising number of other bizarre deaths follow, culminating in the fascinating puzzle of a murder committed in a locked bathroom. Just as you begin to think that the book has gone off the deep end completely, however, author Richard Forrest suddenly snaps everything into place, and what’s more he makes it look easy.

   Bea Wentworth, as the star of the show, may remind you a bit of TV’s ultra-liberal Maude, from the series of the same name. Bea, however, is not nearly as prone to loud histrionics to make her point. In spite of various and sundry temptations, she manages to stay her level-headed best in this outing, and she helps pull it off rather nicely.

Rating: B

–Reprinted from The MYSTERY FANcier, Vol. 5, No. 2, March/April 1981. This review also appeared earlier in the Hartford Courant.


      The Lyon and Bea Wentworth series

1. A Child’s Garden of Death (1975)
2. The Wizard of Death (1977)
3. Death Through the Looking Glass (1978)
4. The Death in the Willows (1979)
5. The Death At Yew Corner (1980)
6. Death Under the Lilacs (1985)
7. Death On the Mississippi (1989)
8. The Pied Piper of Death (1997)
9. Death in the Secret Garden (2004)
10. Death At King Arthur’s Court (2005)