Canada, that is. Ontario. I thought I might get some reviews posted today, but it’s taken more time to get ready than I’d planned on.

   Judy and I are leaving tomorrow around noon. It will take us two days to get there by car, but we’ll be in plenty of time for my brother’s daughter Jocelyn’s wedding on Saturday. My sister and her husband from Michigan will be there, and my daughter and her husband from Illinois are driving up also.

   So it’ll be a small family reunion of sorts as well — the most Lewises in one spot in quite a while. Judy and I looking forward to it — not the driving part so much, but we don’t need to push ourselves, so that’ll be OK — but I’m going to leave the computer at home.

   This blog’s going to be idle for a while, in other words, so hang on till about this time next week. I have plenty of reviews and other stuff piled up for posting as soon as I get back — of both books and movies, lots more of what you’ve been seeing here recently — and the way things look now, there’ll be a few more contributors who’ll be appearing soon.

      Take care, and so long for now.

                     — Steve