Fri 13 Apr 2007
Obituary: JILL McGOWN (1947-2007).
Posted by Steve under Authors , Crime Fiction IV , Obituaries / Deaths Noted[12] Comments
Jill McGown, best known as the author of a series of thirteen British police procedurals starring Chief Inspector Lloyd and Sergeant Judy Hill (later also Chief Inspector, and Lloyd’s wife) died last Friday, April 6th, after a long illness. This according to a statement recently posted on her website.
She was 59 at the time of her death.
Also on the website is a lengthy autobiography, where among many photos and details about growing up in Campbeltown, Argyll, Scotland, she says: “Campbeltown is on the Mull of Kintyre, made famous by Paul McCartney and Wings, and I knew the piper who plays the solo on the record, so there!”
Also of interest, she says in passing: “From junior school, I went to Corby Grammar School, where I was taught Latin by Colin Dexter who went on to write the Morse books, though I didn’t know that when I wrote my first book.”
Her detective stories bridge the gap between the meticulously plotted stories of the 1930s and 1940s Golden Age of mysteries, and the psychological crime stories of the 1950s, suggests one source. Not only do Ms. McGown’s series characters, Lloyd and Judy Hill solve the most deviously twisted crimes together, but they’re also lovers, their slow-moving romance part of the reason readers kept returning for the next installment.

Excerpted from an online interview with Jill McGown:
I start with a character, almost always. I then rummage in my mental plot drawer for a plot that might fit this character. My ‘plots’, if you can call them that, are minimalist to say the least, so that bit isn’t difficult. With Redemption, for instance, it was simply a joke someone told me.
The character of the vicar came into my mind one night, complete with a daughter who had an abusive husband. I thought about the vicar and his family for a little while, and then saw how they could fit my ‘joke’ plot.
The complexity comes as I write, and is dictated by the characters as they are revealed to me. The plot will always give way to the characters, so even I don’t always know how the story will end.
The title usually emerges during the writing, but sometimes it’s the very last thing I think about. And it often has to be changed.
If someone was going to read one of your novels – which one would you recommend they start with?
The Lloyd and Hill novels are, of course, each complete in themselves, but there is a continuing story and the characters develop through each novel, so I would recommend starting with A Perfect Match, being the first one.

This is not, however, essential — the back-story is sketched in each time. That in itself is quite a challenge — finding new ways to explain the set-up to readers requires some ingenuity!
BIBLIOGRAPHY, as expanded from Crime Fiction IV, by Allen J. Hubin:
McGOWN, JILL (1947- 2007); see pseudonym Elizabeth Chaplin.
* A Perfect Match (n.) Macmillan 1983
* Redemption (n.) Macmillan 1988 [US title: Murder at the Old Vicarage]
* Death of a Dancer (n.) Macmillan 1989 [US title: Gone to Her Death]
* The Murders of Mrs. Austin and Mrs. Beale (n.) Macmillan 1991
* The Other Woman (n.) Macmillan 1992
* Murder Now and Then (n.) Macmillan 1993
* A Shred of Evidence (n.) Macmillan 1995
* Verdict Unsafe (n.) Macmillan 1997
* Picture of Innocence (n.) Macmillan 1998
* Plots and Errors (n.) Macmillan 1999
* Scene of the Crime (n.) Macmillan 2001
* Births, Deaths and Marriages (n.) Macmillan 2002. [US title: Death in the Family]
* Unlucky For Some (n.) Macmillan 2004

* Record of Sin (n.) Macmillan 1985
* An Evil Hour (n.) Macmillan 1986
* The Stalking Horse (n.) Macmillan 1987
* Murder Movie (n.) Macmillan 1990
CHAPLIN, ELIZABETH; pseudonym of Jill McGown

A Shred of Evidence was the basis of a TV movie entitled Lloyd & Hill, starring Michelle Collins as DI Judy Hill, and Philip Glenister as DCI Danny Lloyd. According to Ms McGown, it was for this film that Lloyd gained a first name.
[UPDATE] 04-15-07. For another tribute to Jill McGown, Jeff Pierce has one he posted earlier on The Rap Sheet. It’s excellently done, as usual, and one you should most definitely read.
April 21st, 2007 at 8:36 pm
I have enjoyed reading and knowing Jill. I had brief correspondence with her recently and was impressed with her friendliness and interest in me. I’ll miss anticipation of the next novel with Lloyd (Daniel) and Judy. They’re a fantistical and human couple. Peace be with Jill’s family, loved ones and readers.
>> Ms. McGown certainly left us too early, but she seems to have left quite a legacy behind, and not only the books that she wrote. She must have been quite a woman to have known, even if only briefly, as you have. — Steve
April 23rd, 2007 at 6:52 pm
A few months ago I sent an e mail to Jill and said how much I admired her books and that I owned most of them and wondered when her next book would be published. She actually e mailed me back and said she had been ill but was working on her next book. I was thrilled to hear from her and am so sad to hear of her death. I send my heartfelt condolences.
March 7th, 2008 at 9:37 am
i recently was searching my local library for the latest mcgown book; not knowing jill had passed..what a great loss to us mystery lovers..she will be missed.
rip jill mcgown.
August 2nd, 2008 at 5:02 pm
Am truly sorry to learn that Jill McGown is no longer with us here on earth. I came on line to search for her latest book. Her mysteries have been such fun to read over the years and I will miss them dearly.
November 14th, 2008 at 10:04 am
i just finished the novel by her today. title:unlucky for some. i loved it so much and thought that i should come google her, must say i’m trully sorry to hear that she has passed away am so looking forward to reading more of her other books. was hoping one day i would be able to chat with her over mails. she a great writter my kind of writer. i’m noluthando am 21yrs and am a student.
January 2nd, 2009 at 10:09 pm
I have read Jill McGown’s novels over the years and recently started re-reading them. The nice thing about being 66 is that it is as if I had never read them before; so I am particularly sad to hear that Ms. McGown has passed away, since I was once again eagerly waiting for her next novel.
February 24th, 2010 at 3:31 pm
Jill was the kind of person you felt instantly fond of. Unassuming, funny, kind and very clever. Her passing leaves us all very much the poorer for the loss of her books, and more rarely, for the loss of herself.
She should have a permanent literary memorial.
June 9th, 2010 at 8:09 am
When I discovered Jill McGown as an author, I was so pleased. I loved her Lloyd/Hill series and hoped for many more to follow. Then when looking on-line to find more of her books, read that she had passed away. That was a very sad day. I purchased Record of Sin for $45.00 over the internet as I had not read it yet and couldn’t find it anywhere. That is how much I loved her books. I have only one more book of hers to read (Hostage to Fortune), and then no more. I will miss her writing very much. Maybe like Deb I’ll start reading them over.
April 4th, 2011 at 6:01 am
I just recently finished reading Death in the Family and A shred of Evidence, which my friend very kindly loaned to me. Upon their return, my friend told me of the movie adaptation of “A shred of evidence” which she believed Id greatly enjoy and so she directed me to Jills website. I had so hoped to chat to Jill about the 2 novels I had just read and was excited about the possibility of acquiring a copy of the Lloyd and Hill movie DVD.
But sadly, Jill has passed away, which is tragic tragic news as she was a terrific writer and from all accounts, she was a terrific person as well.
I would have loved to have met her.
RIP Jill xx
June 5th, 2013 at 4:05 pm
I have been looking for Jill Mcgowan’s novels for some time now but was not sucessful. Today I finally decided to google her name to find out what’s going on with her. I am sorry to learn that she passed. I can’t even say anything more right now.
December 3rd, 2022 at 11:37 am
Trying to contact Jill’s sister, Patti McGowan
December 3rd, 2022 at 11:38 am
If anyone is in touch with Patti, please give her my email. Thanks