Sat 6 Jan 2007
CRIME FICTION IV: A Comprehensive Bibliography, 1749-2000, Revised,by Allen J. Hubin
Posted by Steve under Crime Fiction IVNo Comments
The book has not been published yet, at least not the revised edition. The manuscript was turned in sometime in middle of last year, but so far no date’s been set as to when it’s going to appear. When the Fourth Edition came out in 2003, the end date for the material covered was the year 2000. This is also when Al Hubin then began to look for someone to take over the task of editor and make sure that further editions would continue to appear. But when no takers were found, the decision was made that there would be no Fifth Edition.
Corrections and additions to the data in Crime Fiction IV continued to come in, however, and Al found himself unable to retire, as he’d planned, and the Revised Edition was the result. Rather than expand the bibliography chronologically, however, the cut-off date remained fixed at the year 2000.
Al was ready to retire again, but there was no end to the incoming flow of data, even with the closing date of 2000. He and I discussed this, and the upshot was he would continue to accumulate this addenda, but again only through 2000, and I would publish it on-line.
To that end, he has been sending me this addenda in parts, with eight such installments already on line at In his introduction to the addenda pages, Al fills in more of the details about the bibliography over the years, how it got started and how it grew.
As to my end, I’ve been taking advantage of the Internet, and as I go, I have been adding links and cover images not available in the printed editions. Links have been made to websites about the authors cited, and especially to for every movie that Al has added as being based on a novel included in Crime Fiction IV.
Much of the Addenda included in parts 1 and 2 consists of connections to TV films, which had largely been neglected in early editions of CFIV. Using, Leonard Mustazza’s The Literary Filmography and Alvin H. Marill’s Movies Made for Television as sources, many such TV movies have been identified and are now included.
Now in their enhanced form, and Internet-ready, as it were, Parts 1 and 2 have now been merged alphabetically in two sections, A through H and I through Z. I am now working on Part 3.
While the Addenda is hardly intended to replace the full Bibliography, my goal is also to have it stand on its own, as much as possible. To that end, I have been annotating some of the entries, especially when the authors are less well known. There is nothing I need to add to an entry of an author of the stature of Agatha Christie, for example. A link to one of the many websites about her should certainly suffice.
But for an author such as the following, the entry looks like this:
Her Hidden Husband. Thomson, 1927 [England]
-In a Gilded Cage. Skeffington, 1919
-The Master of Red House. Skeffington, 1919

If possible, every entry might look like this, but it’s not, and they don’t, not yet. But if you’re even only mildly interested in the bibliography of crime fiction, please feel free to stop by, browse around, and see what is there.