William F. Deeck

ANDREW SOUTAR – Night of Horror. Hutchinson, UK, hardcover, 1934; paperback, Crime Book Society #8, no date. No US edition.

   One evening Charles Barton comes to Phineas Spinnett, private detective, to ask him to locate Barton’s sister, bride of Lord Dargot. Barton’s tale is a strange one, and Spinnett concludes his would-be client is insane. This is the first of Spinnett’s errors, some of which he admits to as the novel progresses.

   Barton dies of poison outside Spinnett’s home. Lord Dargot visits Spinnett, and Spinnett himself nearly dies of poison. He would have died if he had not been aware of that little-known antidote to apparently any poison — lots of whiskey.

   Since the author makes clear quickly that Lord Dargot is a homicidal maniac, with emphasis on the latter characteristic, the novel is a thriller rather than a detective story. And thrill it does, if you are capable of putting yourself in the Thirties’ frame of mind and are willing to accept astounding coincidences, telepathy between two Irish lovers, a trip by one of the Irish lovers to rescue the other in what seemed to me an astonishingly short time, and a preposterous plot of which much is left unexplained.

   Despite his investigative shortcomings, Spinnett possesses a good many other lacks, if such a thing is possible. However, he and his servant, the lugubrious ex-jailbird Timson, are engaging and amusing characters, and Soutar’s writing style transcends a plot of thud and blunder.

   It’s a shame that only one of Soutar’s books has been published in the U.S. If any of the others of an apparent two score or so of his novels were as enjoyable, readers in this country missed out on a great deal of mindless fun.

— From The MYSTERY FANcier, Vol. 13, No. 2, Spring 1991.

      The Phineas Spinnet series —

The Hanging Sword! Hutchinson 1933
Night of Horror. Hutchinson 1934
Eight Three Five. Hutchinson 1935
Facing East. Hutchinson 1936
The Museum Mystery. Hutchinson 1936
The Black Spot Mystery. Hutchinson 1938
One Page Missing. Hutchinson 1938
Silent Accuser. Hutchinson 1938
Chain Murder. Hutchinson 1939
A Stranger Came to Dinner. Hutchinson 1939
The Strange Case of Sir Merton Quest. Hutchinson 1940
The Wolves and the Lamb. Hutchinson 1940
Motive for the Crime. Hutchinson 1941
Study in Suspense. Hutchinson 1941