The latest batch of covers uploaded to Bill Deeck’s Murder at 3 Cents a Day website are those for The William Caslon Company, which in 1936 managed to publish only three mysteries.

   All three of these novels would be of special interest to pulp fans, though, as one is a collection of four Red Lacey novelettes by George Bruce originally published in Popular Detective, while the other two are “Dan Fowler” G-Men novels which first appeared in that magazine. A connection with Leo Margulies’ Standard Magazines group of pulp titles seems highly likely.

George Bruce

   Even more interesting is the existence of a catalog of forthcoming books from Caslon in 1938, books that were never published, but the titles of which may make you wish they had. These include:

THE DEVIL’S PLAYGROUND, A G-Man Detective Novel, by John Benton.

THE CLAIM OF THE LITTLE RED BUGS, A Dr. Lawson Detective Novel, by George Bruce.

THE MURDER OF A GOOD MAN, A Professor Briarly Detective Novel, by Will Levinrew.

DEATH WALKS ALONE, by G. Wayman Jones.

   And others, including a few westerns, among which are:

PANHANDLE BANDITS, A Texas Rangers Novel, by Tom Curry.


   Follow the link above for the complete list.