Sun 2 Aug 2015
Mystery Review: SALLY WRIGHT – Publish and Perish.
Posted by Steve under Bibliographies, Lists & Checklists , Characters , Reviews[3] Comments
SALLY WRIGHT – Publish and Perish. Multnomah, softcover, 1997. Ballantine, mass market paperback, February 1999.
If you like mysteries taking place in the world of academia, this is one of the better ones. This first in a series of six Ben Reese novels takes place in a small college town somewhere in Ohio, where the first death is that of his best friend, Professor Richard West, chair of the English Department.
At first West is assumed to have died of a heart attack, but since he had just finished a mysterious trans-Atlantic phone call with Reese soon before he died, the latter returns home immediately, looking for answers to questions the police have not thought of asking yet.
By trade, Ben Reese is an archivist for the school, making him a natural for adding detective to his résumé, but his background in commando-style pre-invasion work for the Army in World War II holds him in good stead as well. The story takes place in 1960, by the way, just as things were about to change drastically in the world of higher education. There are no panty raids in this book, but they were still around at the time, with in loco parentis still the philosophy of the day.
Speaking for myself, I’d like to have known the dead man quite a bit more before he disappears from the book. He was a dedicated scholar, tough on his students, dogged in academic arguments, which were many, and a staunch believer in honesty, a fact which is what gets him killed. It is only as Reese works through West’s life that we get to know him better.
As the author of this tale, Sally Wright also knows the ins and out of college-based squabbles, jealousies and other political maneuverings, so as I say, I enjoyed this one. Future books in the series move away from the academic scene, however. Reese’s occupation as an archivist will lead him all over the world, and I am curious to learn if the change is for the better.
The Ben Reese series —
1. Publish and Perish (1997)
2. Pride and Predator (1997)
3. Pursuit and Persuasion (2000)
4. Out of the Ruins (2003)
5. Watches of the Night (2008)
6. Code of Silence (2008)
August 3rd, 2015 at 4:50 pm
Any academic mystery reminds me of GAUDY NIGHT first and then Fritz Leiber’s CONJURE WIFE. Maybe it’s knowing just how lethal the politics of college and university life can be. Murder doesn’t really seem out of the question at time.
I may well look this one up.
August 7th, 2015 at 9:38 am
Fritz Leiber’s CONJURE WIFE is a classic. I’m a fan of “Marshall Jevons” The Fatal Equilibrium which deals with the apparent suicide of a young scholar up for tenure at Harvard University. Nice academic mystery!
August 7th, 2015 at 12:46 pm
I haven’t read the Jevons book, but it sounds like a good one. I wonder just how many detective novels are set in either Harvard or Yale? Not as many as those set in Oxford and Cambridge, I’d be willing to wager.
Just out of curiosity, I thought I’d check with Hubin to see many mysteries have ever been set in academia in general. Anmswer: Loads of them.
Here’s a list of the B authors only:
Marian Babson:
Past Regret (n.) Collins 1990 [London]
William Babula:
St. John’s Bestiary (n.) Write Way 1994 [Jeremiah St. John; San Francisco, CA]
Richard Bachman:
Rage (n.) Signet 1977
George Bagby:
The Corpse with the Purple Thighs (n.) Doubleday 1939 [Insp. Schmidt; New Jersey]
Dorothy Dodds Baker:
-Trio (n.) Houghton 1943 [U.S. West]
Richard L. Baldwin:
Administration Can Be Murder (n.) Buttonwood 2000 [Louis Searing; Margaret McMillan; Michigan]
James Barlow:
Term of Trial (n.) H. Hamilton 1961 [England]
Robert Barnard:
Death of an Old Goat (n.) Collins 1974 [Australia]
Little Victims (n.) Collins 1983 [England]
Jim Barnes:
Grave Concern (n.) Erica House 1997 [U.S. South]
Robert Barr:
-The Victors (n.) Methuen 1902 [Ann Arbor, MI]
Charles Barry:
Secrecy at Sandhurst (n.) Hurst 1951 [England]
Richard Barth:
The Final Shot (n.) St. Martin’s 1992 [New York City, NY]
Denzil Batchelor:
This My Son (n.) Collins 1954
Nina Bawden:
Change Here for Babylon (n.) Collins 1955 [England]
Spencer Bayne:
Murder Recalls Van Kill (n.) Harper 1939 [Hal (Hendrik Peter Minuit) Van Kill; New York]
Cyril Beecroft:
Five Years’ Hard (n.) Dorrance 1994 [England]
Sophie Belfort:
The Marvell College Murders (n.) Fine 1991 [Nick Hannibal; Molly Rafferty; Boston, MA]
Josephine Bell:
Death at Half-Term (n.) Longman[s] 1939 [Theatre; England; Dr. David Wintringham; Insp. Steven Mitchell]
The Summer School Mystery (n.) Methuen 1950 [Dr. David Wintringham; Insp. Steven Mitchell; England]
Pauline Bell:
The Dead Do Not Praise (n.) Macmillan 1990 [Insp. Thomas Browne; Detective Constable (Sgt., Insp.) Mitchell; England]
Downhill to Death (n.) Macmillan 1994 [England; Insp. Thomas Browne; Detective Constable (Sgt., Insp.) Mitchell; Theatre]
Gene H. Bell-Villada:
The Carlos Chadwick Mystery (n.) Amador 1990 [1975; Massachusetts]
Arthur Asa Berger:
Die Laughing (n.) iUniverse 2000 [California]
The Hamlet Case (n.) Xlibris 2000 [Berkeley, CA]
David Berlinski:
Less Than Meets the Eye (n.) St. Martin’s 1994 [Aaron Asherfield; California]
Robert Bernard:
Deadly Meeting (n.) Norton 1970 [Dame Millicent Hetherege; New England]
Eleanor Berry:
-The Revenge of Miss Rhoda Buckleshott (n.) Stockwell 1998 [England]
Bob Bibby:
Be a Fallen Leaf (n.) Pierrepoint 1998 [Chief Insp. Tallyforth; England]
Jack M. Bickham:
Murder at Oklahoma (n.) Berkley 1998 [Oklahoma]
Margaret Bidwell:
Death and His Brother (n.) Hurst 1940 [England; James Hodson]
Lloyd Biggle, Jr.:
Interface for Murder (n.) Doubleday 1987 [J(awhol) Pletcher; Ohio]
Dorothy Maywood Bird:
The Black Opal (n.) Macmillan 1949 [Michigan]
Charity Blackstock:
-The Melon in the Cornfield (n.) Hodder 1969 [London]
W. Edward Blain:
Passion Play (n.) Putnam 1990 [Virginia]
Love Cools (n.) Putnam 1992 [Virginia]
Nicholas Blake:
A Question of Proof (n.) Collins 1935 [England; Nigel Strangeways]
The Morning After Death (n.) Collins 1966 [Boston, MA; Nigel Strangeways]
Clair Blank:
Beverly Gray, Freshman (n.) Burt 1934 [Beverly Gray]
Beverly Gray, Junior (n.) Burt 1934 [Beverly Gray]
Beverly Gray, Senior (n.) Burt 1934 [Beverly Gray]
Beverly Gray, Sophomore (n.) Burt 1934 [Beverly Gray]
Jan Blankenship:
Class Act (n.) 1st Books 2000 [Colorado]
Barbara Block:
Vanishing Act (n.) Kensington 1998 [Robin Light; New York]
Kyril Bonfiglioli & Craig Brown:
The Great Mortdecai Moustache Mystery (n.) Black Spring 1996 [Charlie Mortdecai; Oxford]
J. S. Borthwick:
The Student Body (n.) St. Martin’s 1986 [Sarah Deane; Dr. Alex McKenzie; Maine]
Coup de Grace (n.) St. Martin’s 2000 [Sarah Deane; Dr. Alex McKenzie; New England]
Anthony Boucher:
The Case of the Seven of Calvary (n.) Simon 1937 [Berkeley, CA]
Art Bourgeau:
The Most Likely Suspects (n.) Charter 1981 [Claude “Snake†Kirlin; F. T. Zevich; Tennessee]
Gail Bowen:
A Killing Spring (n.) McClelland 1996 [Joanne Kilbourn; Regina]
Lynn Boyd:
Dead Language (n.) iUniverse 2000 [Berkeley, CA]
Marion Boyd:
Murder in the Stacks (n.) Lothrop 1934 [Ohio]
Eleanor Daly Boylan:
Murder Crossed (n.) Holt 1996 [Clara Gamadge (widow of Elizabeth Daly’s Henry Gamadge); Massachusetts]
James Bradberry:
Ruins of Civility (n.) St. Martin’s 1996 [James Ramsgill; Cambridge, England]
John Brady:
A Stone of the Heart (n.) Constable 1988 [Sgt. Matt Minoque; Dublin, Ireland]
Marion Bramhall:
Murder Is Contagious (n.) Doubleday 1949 [Kit (Marsden) Acton; Michigan]
Freda Bream:
Murder in the Map Room (n.) Hale 1983 [England]
Steve Brewer:
Shaky Ground (n.) St. Martin’s 1997 [Bubba Mabry; Albuquerque, NM]
Gordon Bromley:
The Chance to Poison (n.) Collins 1973 [Insp. Severn; England]
F. W. Bronson:
The Bulldog Has the Key (n.) Farrar 1949 [Connecticut]
Justin Brooke:
The Mystery at Folly Mill (n.) Modern Publishing 193? [England]
Adam Broome:
The Oxford Murders (n.) Bles 1929 [Insp. (Chief Insp.) Bramley; Oxford]
The Cambridge Murders (n.) Bles 1936 [Cambridge, England; Insp. (Chief Insp.) Bramley]
Hosanna Brown:
I Spy, You Die (n.) Gollancz 1984 [Frank le Roux; England]
R. D. Brown:
Prime Suspect (n.) Tower 1981
Leo Bruce:
Case with Ropes and Rings (n.) Nicholson 1940 [Sgt. Beef; England]
Dead for a Ducat (n.) Davies 1956 [Carolus Deene; England]
Death at St. Asprey’s School (n.) Allen 1967 [England; Carolus Deene]
Margaretta Brucker:
Death in the Dormitory (n.) Phoenix 1937 [Mississippi]
John Bude:
Loss of a Head (n.) Skeffington 1938 [Insp. Green; England]
Gerald Bullett:
Judgment in Suspense (n.) Dent 1946
Trevor Burgess:
-The Mystery of the Missing Book (n.) Hutchinson 1950 [England]
-A Spy at Monk’s Court (n.) Hutchinson 1954 [England]
W. J. Burley:
A Taste of Power (n.) Gollancz 1966 [England; Henry Pym]
The Schoolmaster (n.) Gollancz 1977 [England]
Michael Burning & Althea Grey:
Dusty Death (n.) Jenkins 1949 [England]
Guy Burt:
After the Hole (n.) Black Swan 1993 [England]
Miles Burton:
Murder in the Coalhole (n.) Collins 1940 [Insp. Henry Arnold; Desmond Merrion; England]
Murder Out of School (n.) Collins 1951 [Insp. Henry Arnold; Desmond Merrion; England]
Jon Buscall: (n.) Pulp 1999
Christopher Bush:
The Case of the Dead Shepherd (n.) Cassell 1934 [England; Ludovic Travers]
James Byrom:
Thou Shouldst Be Living (n.) Heinemann 1964 [Massachusetts]
A. M. Byron:
Frost Heaves (n.) Oakberry 1998 [New England]
Some of these I’ve read. Most of them haven’t. Many of them I’d never heard of before.