Mon 28 Sep 2015
Music I’m Listening To: MARK KNOPFLER & EMMYLOU HARRIS “Red Staggerwing.”
Posted by Steve under Music I'm Listening To[2] Comments
A live version (2006) of a song on their CD All the Roadrunning. I have been listening to Emmylou’s music for over 40 years, and I hope to for some time to come.
September 29th, 2015 at 6:16 am
We just saw Emmylou in concert for the first time ever, with Rodney Crowell at the Beacon two weeks ago. Needless to say, she was great.
September 29th, 2015 at 7:46 am
I do envy you. I remember once she appeared at a local venue — well, one town over– and I wasn’t able to go. This was 30 years ago, long before she was well known. One of my life’s great regrets. The venue is long gone, and so are the chances that she will appear anywhere close to me again.