Sun 25 Oct 2015
MIMIC. Miramax, 1997. Mira Sorvino, Jeremy Northam, Alexander Goodwin, Giancarlo Giannini, Charles S. Dutton, Josh Brolin, Alix Koromzay, F. Murray Abraham. Based on the short story “Mimic,” by Donald A. Wollheim (Astonishing Stories, December 1942). Director: Guillermo del Toro.
The basic plot is simple enough. A laboratory-created insect called the Judas breed is developed to kill off a city filled with cockroaches which are spreading a deadly disease primarily affecting children. Even though the new insects were specifically designed to die out within a single generation, you can guess what comes next.
The reason both the story and the film is titled “Mimic,” is because the new insect creatures have developed by rapid evolutionary means a way of avoiding detection — and that is by outwardly mimicking their number one predator, humans.
Not everyone in the cast makes it out of the movie alive, qualifying it as more of a horror film than a science-fictional one. Gorgeously if not sumptuously filmed, including plenty of small details, it’s a scary film, too — until, that is, the human-shaped insectoids actually appear on the screen. They’re ugly enough all right, but not nearly as fearsome as the anticipation.
There are plenty of plot holes, too, which I needn’t go into, I suppose, as only someone such as myself who prefers story lines that make sense would care.
Me, though, I wished that as much attention were made to the story line as was paid to the cinematography and special effects. It’s one of those movies that you have to decide to sit back and watch, without asking too many questions, hoping things will sort themselves out later. A second watching may answer some of the questions I had, but as for me, the one ride is the only ride I’m going to take.
October 26th, 2015 at 6:05 am
No, it never does get better, does it? I was very disappointed when this opened because I hoped it would be good and it wasn’t.
October 26th, 2015 at 4:55 pm
I thought the first 30 minutes or so of this film were terrific. Very atmospheric, with an impending sense of darkness and doom. But once the creatures show up for real, it just gets bogged down in a lot of running from the creatures and trying to fight them off. In a way, the confined space of the underground subway station works as a disadvantage — there’s always the possibility of escaping back to the NYC street level. At least in ALIEN, they were literally stuck on the ship
October 26th, 2015 at 7:00 pm
I have a distinct memory of an article, published around the time this movie was released, where Mira Sorvino explained that she had to “tweak” the script because the various scriptwriters just hadn’t been able to do the job properly. One of those script doctors who apparently didn’t know what he was doing? John Sayles.
Yeah, I’m still rolling my eyes about that.
October 26th, 2015 at 7:57 pm
This falls into the ‘could have been much better’ category. The plot bogs down in the multiple story holes and pretty much ruined it for me. Up to then it looks great and is better acted than usual.
October 27th, 2015 at 6:26 pm
You’ve spelled the title wrong in there at one point. I’ve just been waiting for someone else to tell you. Maybe everyone is too polite.
October 27th, 2015 at 6:49 pm
Good grief. Thanks, Randy. I looked at the whole post 5 or 6 times before I saw what you were telling me, and I still didn’t see it. I think that everyone’s minds were clouded so they could not see it, including me.
In any case, for everyone looking for the Mimac now, I’ve fixed it!