Mon 30 Aug 2010
Reviewed by William F. Deeck: LOUIS TRACY – A Mysterious Disappearance.
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William F. Deeck
LOUIS TRACY – A Mysterious Disappearance. First published as The Strange Disappearance of Lady Delia Pearson, UK, hardcover, 1901; Street & Smith, US, 1909. Reprints, with the characters’ names changed & the new title: Clode, US, hc, 1905, as by Gordon Holmes; hardcover: Grosset & Dunlap, US, no date (shown); Hodder, UK, hardcover, 1928.
For reasons known only to herself, Alisia, Lady Dene, goes out one foggy night and disappears. Barrister and amateur criminologist Claude Bruce is the last known person to see her.
When he undertakes to find out what happened to her, he and Scotland Yard become convinced that a body found three weeks after her disappearance is Lady Dene’s, although the corpse cannot be identified.
Finding her killer then becomes Bruce’s goal, a difficult one to achieve since motive, method, and locale are unknown. A pedestrian mystery, the pedestrian having fallen arches and bunions.