Thu 24 Mar 2016
A Movie Review by Jonathan Lewis: MAN OF THE WORLD (1931).
Posted by Steve under Films: Drama/Romance , Reviews[3] Comments
MAN OF THE WORLD. Paramount Pictures, 1931. William Powell, Carole Lombard, Wynne Gibson, Lawrence Gray, Guy Kibbee, George Chandler. Directors: Richard Wallace & Edward Goodman (the latter uncredited).
For a film with a script written by Herman J. Mankiewicz, Man of the World is overall surprisingly bland. That’s not to say that William Powell isn’t a fine actor or that Carole Lombard isn’t dazzling; it’s just that the movie just sort of plods along, without enough tension to keep the viewer fully engaged with the story. True, there’s a surprisingly (spoiler alert) downbeat ending and some rather seedy insinuations about American expatriate life in the City of Lights, but there’s just not enough verbal sparring, let along physical action, to make this programmer anything other than an average pre-Code melodrama.
Powell portrays Michael Trevor, a former newspaperman living as an expatriate in Paris. He tells everyone he’s an aspiring novelist, but had his run of hard luck and is really part of a small blackmailing ring. They target Americans living and working in France. In order to keep their names out of a scandal sheet that Trevor’s associates run, wealthy Americans end up forking over money to Trevor as a means of guarding their reputations. Little do they know that Trevor himself is the leader of the blackmailers and not the white knight he presents himself to be.
Things change for Trevor when he falls for the niece of one of his targets, the lovely Mary Kendall (Lombard). He’s then forced to choose between his loyalty to his criminal associates, one of whom is his ex-lover and for his true affection for Mary. Set in the backdrop of early 1930s Paris, Man of the World is neither particularly comic nor romantic. It’s more of a character study of a lonely man who, no matter where he goes, finds he can’t escape what his life has become.
March 24th, 2016 at 2:01 pm
Powell did a string of these, PRIVATE DETECTIVE 62, LAWYER MAN, JEWEL ROBBERY, all along the theme of the criminal or near criminal preying on women and or society and reformed by love. It’s odd that at the same time he was type cast as a detective from the Philo Vance films.
This was a left over from his villain days in the silent era and things didn’t really change until MANHATTEN MELODRAMA and THE THIN MAN.
It’s a shame to waste a teaming of him with Lombard in a somewhat morose reform drama rather than a bright and witty comedy. Pretty uninspiring supporting cast too.
March 24th, 2016 at 6:30 pm
Thanks for an interesting review.
I’ve never seen this.
Lawrence Gray could be charming in musicals and comedies.
Sings “WIth a Song in My Heart”:
June 14th, 2017 at 10:01 pm
Lombard just didn’t seem like Lombard to me in this one. Maybe it was her hair. Anyway, I was surprised to see that the expected happy ending never happened.