PHILIP R. CRAIG – The Double-Minded Man. Jeff Jackson #3. Cbarles Scribner’s Sons, hardcover, 1992. Avon, paperback, 1993. Reissued as Vineyard Deceit: Avon, paperback, 2003.

   I thought a previous book about the ex-Boston cop on Martha’s Vineyard was pretty lightweight. I felt much the same about this one. The plot revolves around an Arab potentate who is on the island to reclaim an heirloom stolen by one of the island inhabitants’ ancestors many years ago. Murders occur (naturally), and both Jackson and his ladylove, Zee, are placed in jeopardy.

   I still like Craig’s breezy style okay, still think Zee’s an attractive character, still enjoy the background, and still am not offended by the hero. But the plot still isn’t much, and I just don’t think it all comes together in any remarkable fashion. It’s not a bad book, and there are worse ways to pass a dull afternoon; there are a lot better, too. Library only.

— Reprinted from Fireman, Fireman, Save My Books #5, January 1993.