Working in Part 5 this afternoon, I annotated the tail end of this portion of the Addenda. I imagine it goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyway. If you have know anything about any of these authors that’s not said here and should be, please let me know.

   We probably haven’t found all of Dick Wordley’s early crime fiction, for example. The one just added came from a purchase on eBay I recently made. Nor do I know anything about Maurice Worth and the sleuth in all three of his books, Derek Haring. Tell me more, if you can.

WORDLEY, DICK. 1923-1995. Add both dates. Australian writer with five known crime novels; he also wrote non-fiction: history, sport, travel and psychology. A crusading journalist for abducted children, his account of a child taken from Australia to Greece by its father, Cathy’s Child was made into a film in the 1970s. Below is the author’s current entry in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV, adding the one indicated with a (*).
      Death is a Trotter. Australia: Invincible, pb, ca.1949. Add setting: Australia.
      Jig for the Hangman. Australia: Invincible, pb, ca.1962. Add setting: Tasmania.

Wordley: Jig for the Hangman

      Murder Doesn’t Miss Much. Australia: Invincible, pb, n.d.
      Murder Got Married. Australia: Invincible, pb, ca.1950.
      * Murder Is a Handicap. Australia: Invincible, pb, n.d. Setting: Australia.

Wordley: Murder Is a Handicap

WORTH, MAURICE. Joint pseudonym of Maurice Henry B. Mash, 1882- , q.v. & Willan George Bosworth. Add year of birth to the former. Under this pen name, the author of thee mystery novels included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. See below. Series character: DH = Derek Haring. Setting in all three books: England.
      The Golden Pheasant Mystery. Hutchinson, UK, hc, 1927. DH
      The Pagoda Mystery. Hutchinson, UK, hc, 1928. DH
      The Plaza Mystery. Hutchinson, UK, hc, 1928. DH

YELDHAM, PETER. 1927- . Radio, TV, stage and film writer in Australia; TV producer. Author of one published play and three mystery paperbacks included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. One of the latter is cited below.
      Without Warning. Sydney, Australia: Pan, pb, 1995. Add setting: Sydney.

YORK, ANDREW. Pseudonym of Christopher Nicole, 1930- . Under this pen name, the author of 18 mystery thrillers included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV, some of them reprinted in the US under Nicole’s own byline. Jonas Wilde, who appears in the book cited below, is a British agent whose “business is death.” He appeared in nine titles, all between 1966 and 1975.
      The Dominator. Hutchinson, UK, hc, 1969. Add setting: Copenhagen, Stockholm.

YOSHIMURA, AKIRA. 1927-2006. Add year of death. Prize-winning Japanese author of twenty novels and collections of short stories, one of which is included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. See below.
      On Parole. Harcourt Brace, US, hc, 2000. Setting: Tokyo. Translation from the Japanese. [A man convicted of killing his wife is paroled from prison after 15 years.]

Yoshimura: On Parole