Tue 30 Jan 2007
Obituary: ALLAN BARNARD, Editor (1918-2007)
Posted by Steve under Editors & Anthologies , Obituaries / Deaths Noted[2] Comments
From a notice in the New York Times —
Allan Barnard, who was born in Madison, Wisconsin on August 8th, 1918, died on Monday, January 22nd of complications from Parkinson’s disease in Forest Hills, New York. Allan was married to his beloved wife Polly Barnard for 56 years. Allan was a book lover, author, editor and mentor whose publishing career spanned five decades. At the time of his retirement he was a Vice President and Associate Editorial Director at Bantam Books.
With all of these years in the world of publishing, Mr. Barnard could very easily have had many connections to the world of crime fiction, but the only one that appeared under his own name is –

THE HARLOT KILLER. Dodd Mead, hc, 1953. Dell #797, 1954. Paperback. An anthology of fact and fiction relating to Jack the Ripper.
Introduction, by the editor
Alan Hynd: Murder Unlimited (fact)
Dion Henderson: The Alarm Bell
Willam Sansom: The Intruder
Anthony Boucher: The Stripper [as by H. H. Holmes]
Richard Barker: The Jack the Ripper Murders (fact)
Kay Rogers: Love Story
Thomas Burke: The Hands of Mr Ottermole
Theodora Benson: In the Fourth Ward
Mrs Marie Belloc Lowndes: The Lodger
Edmund Pearson: “Frenchy” – Ameer Ben Ali (fact)
Unknown: Jack El Destripador [translated by Anthony Boucher] (fact)
Edmund Pearson: Jack the Ripper
Robert Bloch: Yours Truly, Jack the Ripper
Alan Hynd: Murder Unlimited (fact)
Dion Henderson: The Alarm Bell
Willam Sansom: The Intruder
Anthony Boucher: The Stripper [as by H. H. Holmes]
Richard Barker: The Jack the Ripper Murders (fact)
Kay Rogers: Love Story
Thomas Burke: The Hands of Mr Ottermole
Theodora Benson: In the Fourth Ward
Mrs Marie Belloc Lowndes: The Lodger
Edmund Pearson: “Frenchy” – Ameer Ben Ali (fact)
Unknown: Jack El Destripador [translated by Anthony Boucher] (fact)
Edmund Pearson: Jack the Ripper
Robert Bloch: Yours Truly, Jack the Ripper
Data taken from a listing on ABE and Index to Crime and Mystery Anthologies, Contento & Greenberg.
A earlier anthology, Cleopatra’s Nights (Dell #414, pb original, 1950) contains 13 stories and articles about the famous Egyptian queen. None seem to be crime-related, except possibly “A Toast to Murder” (from Queen Cleopatra) by Talbot Mundy.
January 26th, 2010 at 8:13 pm
I am Allan Barnard’s daughter. This is a nice entry.
January 26th, 2010 at 10:59 pm
I’m glad you stopped by, and I appreciate your leaving a comment. Thanks!
— Steve