Thu 18 Mar 2021
Posted by Steve under Books Noted , Old Time Radio[2] Comments
I have just learned that this book starring a new version of my favorite OTR hero will be out in July. The start of a new series? “The Shadow knows!”
March 18th, 2021 at 3:58 pm
H’mmm! I enjoyed what I’ve read of Maxwell Grant’s (Walter B. Gibson)’s series of ‘Shadow’ books…
March 18th, 2021 at 4:21 pm
I don’t think Gibson had much to do with the radio show, though I could be wrong about that. But [quoting Wikipedia]:
“[The Shadow’s] pulp adventures — written by Gibson under the house pseudonym Maxwell Grant — were going from strength to strength; launched as a quarterly publication, “within months, the magazine was on a twice-monthly schedule,” causing Gibson to produce the equivalent of 24 novels per year. Described as a “compulsive writer,” Gibson is estimated to have written, at his peak output, 1,680,000 words a year and at least 283 of the 336 Shadow novels. Gibson ultimately contributed more than 15,000,000 words towards Shadow publications.”