Sat 20 Sep 2008
To continue from my previous post, I saw my regular doctor on Tuesday, and she agreed to let me go back to the amount of Armour Thyroid I had been taking. She also went through a list of possible replacements for the endocrinologist whose assistance I no longer require. (Ha.) As it turns out, though, the name of the one I’ll be seeing next came from the patient standing behind me at the checkout desk.
Turns out that he and I have gone through pretty much the same list of doctors in the past, only he’s been way ahead of me in seeing this and that one and rejecting them all until he came to one he likes and who he says actually takes the time to talk to him.
Problem is, my appointment with this new fellow isn’t until mid-January. That’s how far backed up anyone specializing in diabetes or thyroid cases are, in case your son or daughter happens to be looking for a possible new career path.
But now I know — from the Internet, not from any doctor — that taking Armour Thyroid should be spread throughout the day, not just the morning, and that calcium supplements interfere with its effectiveness. So I’ve changed my pill-taking regimen accordingly, and while it’s too early to say for sure, so far it seems to have helped. But it is scary that you have to learn things like this on your own. You really have to wonder just how much doctors really know.
In any case, the bottom line is this. Don’t ever let your doctor’s goal be normal numbers. Let the goal be the normal health of the patient, and that folks, is you, someday if not now.
As for me, I’m alternating good days with bad days, which is a big step up from mostly bad ones. It took me a while to bottom out as I seem to have done, and it will probably take about as long to get back up again. Mystery*File as a blog won’t be shutting down, but its focus will change (again, as it has every so often) to — well, I haven’t quite gotten that far, but you’ll see, probably about the same time as I do.
I hope this will be the last time I need to talk about myself like this, but it certainly helps to have a forum like this where I can vent off every once in a while. Thanks again for all of the good wishes, suggestions and advice. I most certainly appreciate it!
September 20th, 2008 at 8:27 pm
Update us all you want, Steve. I’m glad to hear that you’re feeling better, in large part because you’re sticking up for yourself.
September 20th, 2008 at 8:28 pm
It’s all pretty scary, isn’t it? Never sure if it’s thyroid, allergies, sinuses, never feeling exactly right. Take care. I’m thinking about you.
September 25th, 2008 at 1:10 am
Good to see you up and running…
(Well, stumbling along with the rest of us, at least 🙂
I flew up last weekend and was hanging out with the Jersey faction of the hole-in-the-wall gang at Walker’s place (Nick, Eddie and Diggsie) when your name came up…hopefully our good wishes made it safely your way.
September 25th, 2008 at 11:04 am
Hey Scott,
Sure wish I could have been there, but mid-CT to southern-NJ would have been too far, even if I’d known. I’ll take good wishes anytime, though, not only from you guys, but from everyone. And in return, right back atcha!
February 3rd, 2009 at 2:50 am
[…] may recall, if you’ve been reading this blog long enough, that I had to find a new doctor to handle my […]