Tue 21 Sep 2021
A PI Mystery Review by LJ Roberts: DAVID HOUSEWRIGHT – From the Grave.
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Reviews by L. J. Roberts
DAVID HOUSEWRIGHT – From the Grave. Rushmore McKenzie #17. Minotaur, hardcover, July 2020.
First Sentence: The young woman who identified herself as a psychic medium moved with almost absentminded confidence among the fifty people who had paid forty dollars each for a seat in the community center lecture hall with the hope that she might help them connect with a dead mother or father, uncle or aunt, a dead child — but no promises.
From a friend who attended a psychic reading, former cop Rushmore McKenzie learns of a threat placed on his life by the spirit of Leland Hayes. McKenzie killed Hayes after Hayes escaped the scene of an armored car robbery leaving his son Ryan to take the fall. The money was never recovered. Now, more than 21 years later, a highly skeptical McKenzie becomes involved with two psychic mediums to find the money and, due to one of the mediums, to locate a missing woman.
To add a bit of light to the dark, McKenzie’s partner, Nina owns a jazz club thought to be haunted. Nina’s concern about the influence her late mother had her present actions gives both history and insight into the character.
Set in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area, Housewright creates a strong sense of place, even for something as basic as Nina’s condo. The interplay between the two characters is easy and natural— “I like your outfit.” “Really? Last night you couldn’t wait for me to take it off.” —and a particular conversation between them provides good background and an explanation of their relationship. McKenzie’s unpleasant neighbor provides a touch of normalcy. Mackenzie has an inner monologue that is used sparingly and effectively, often with a touch of humor. Housewright has also given him an excellent playlist.
It is always fun when an author references other authors. Because of the psychic aspect, he also references a number of popular paranormal investigation shows, but it is McKenzie’s skepticism which keeps things grounded, until his skepticism is tested. Learning what goes on in the making of such shows is both interesting and demystifying without taking away from the possibility of actuality.
The other characters are well presented, with a couple of inside jokes. It is hard to say much about some of them, except that Housewright’s approach to his characters is refreshing. There are several people out to find the missing money. And some are what one might expect.
As the 17th book in the Rushmore McKenzie series, this book is somewhat lighter and less suspenseful than some. In this time of COVID-19 when many are having trouble concentrating, that’s not a bad thing. Even so, the story does not lack for twists and red herrings.
From the Grave, at its foundation, is a solid mystery, well-constructed and enjoyable. One may, or may not, accept the paranormal aspect, but it does provide an extra layer of creativity. However, best of all, is the ending that makes one smile.
Rating: A minus.
September 21st, 2021 at 7:08 pm
David Housewright is showing no signs of slowing down. #18 in the series was published earlier this year, and #19 is scheduled for release sometime in 2022.
Worse, from my point of view, and who knows, maybe even his, I’ve yet to read any of them. Maybe I’ll make that one of my next year’s New Year’s resolutions.
September 21st, 2021 at 8:02 pm
Sounds worth checking out though psychics portrayed in a straight non supernatural mystery as anything but phonies tends to annoy me.
September 21st, 2021 at 8:15 pm
I decided to pass on this one for the time being. I went back and found a cheap paperback copy of the first one. I’ll report back if and when, and as another if, if it passes muster, who knows where that will lead me.
September 21st, 2021 at 10:03 pm
David – One of the things I really appreciated about this book was that Housewright left room for doubt about the ability of psychics. I’ve always believed it is a subject one should approach with an open, while questioning, mind.
September 22nd, 2021 at 11:40 am
I don’t especially believe in the supernatural per se — including zombies and other monsters of various shapes and snouts — but I’ve had too many eerie “coincidences” happen to me in my lifetime that I have to accept the fact that there’s more to life than can be explained by the usual five senses.
September 22nd, 2021 at 7:09 pm
I don’t question some sort of psychic ability, I just don’t believe people who claim to be able to turn it off and on like the tap. Professional Psychic to me is just another name for con man, even if they are deceiving themselves too.
I occasionally ran into “Psychics” when I was with Pinkertons, and their record was incredibly bad. I actually learned Cold Readings from a retired one and a lot of their tricks.
I have known individuals to show some actual ability, but none of them could do so on any organized level or with any consistency, and none of them could beat the testing averages that predict actual ability against good guessing.
I don’t mind it in supernatural fiction or SF, but detectives and psychics in a more or less real setting — sorry, that’s more than my suspension of disbelief can take even if the whole thing does end with a question mark.