Reviews by L. J. Roberts


HARLAN COBEN – The Boy from the Woods. Wilde #1. Grand Central Publishing, hardcover, March 2020; paperback, June 2021. Setting: Contemporary New Jersey.

First Sentence: How does she survive?

   Thirty years ago, Wilde was found living nearly feral in the woods with no memory of his past or his family.

   This will be short. Harlan Coben’s early books were fun to read. Now, it seems, he is writing to be televised because that’s where the real money is made. They are filled with stereotypical television characters. We have the sad, outcast girl; the mixed-race teen who wants to do the right thing but isn’t strong or brave enough; the outspoken, older woman full of snarky quips; the outcast girl’s suspicious father…

    …the super-wealthy father protecting his super-bully, over-indulged kid; the nice cop who wants to help but doesn’t want to piss off the super-wealthy guy. Most importantly, we have the tall, strong, gorgeous, former ranger hero who can take on the bad guys with a pea while being desired by every woman. Did I miss anyone?

   The story is total escapism and requires a huge suspension of disbelief, including, as was pointed out by a fellow reader, Wilde having an iPhone with a data plan when he’s paranoid about security and privacy, and the ending makes no sense at all.

   The Boy from the Woods is an acceptable airplane book if one is into Jack Reacher-type superheroes, and desperate for something to read. It will hold one’s interest for the length of the flight but is then left on the plane, never to be thought of again. For pure entertainment, it’s fine, but there’s no substance.

Rating: Not Recommended.

Bibliographic Update: There will soon be a second book in the series. The Match is set to appear in March 2022.