JOE GORES – Gone, No Forwarding. DKA Associates #3. Random House, hardcover, 1978. Ballantine, paperback, 1981. Mysterious Press, paperback, 1993.

   The specialty of the Dan Kearny Agency is skip-tracing, but when a hearing to remove their license is initiated by a California bureau for consumer affairs, they discover that finding honest people can be just as hard as finding dead-beats.

   This kind of private investigating is rather dull work, but the pace improves considerably as the courtroom maneuvering begins and as it becomes clearer who and what are behind this scheme to get DKA.

   Lots of minor characters to keep straight as the various trails twist through the gamut of all San Francisco has to offer. Remarkably they all stand out as individuals during the brief t1me they are on stage.

Rating: B plus.

– Slightly revised from The MYSTERY FANcier, September/October 1978.