Sun 20 Mar 2022
A TV Episode Review by David Vineyard: VIRGIN OF THE SECRET SERVICE “Entente Cordiale” (1968).
Posted by Steve under Reviews , TV Espionage & Spies[4] Comments
VIRGIN OF THE SECRET SERVICE. “Entente Cordiale. ITV, UK, 11 April 1968 (Season One, Episode Three). Clinton Greyn, Alexander Dore, John Carter, Veronica Strong, Noel Coleman, Katherine Shofield, Frederick Preisly. Devised by Ted Willis. Teleplay by Betty Paul (as Betty Lambda). Directed by Paul Bernard. Currently streaming on YouTube.
Captain Robert Virgin (Clinton Greyn) of the British Secret Service finds himself in Paris to attend the funeral of the son of a peer of the realm, an artist who was murdered, a John Bull figure with a knife through his chest found, his body signaling that a Chinese Secret Society wanting revenge for the humiliation of the Boxer Rebellion is about to strike.
The mostly likely target, according to Virgin’s chief Colonel Shaw-Camberley (Noel Coleman), is the Duke of Albany (Frederick Preisly) in Paris to negotiate the Entente Cordiale between the British and French against Germany, but more interested in the Can Can at the Moulin Rouge and its star, Cigarette (Katherine Shofield), the dead artist’s lover/model.
Virgin and his batman Doublette (John Carter) pose as an artist and his servant to get close to Cigarette, is she part of the scheme or does she know something? She’s not particularly fond of the British despite her tastes in men, and her casual nudity modeling when she meets Virgin disconcerts him and Doublette both.
Virgin: I specialize in horses.
Cigarette: And are the horses nude?
Of course as feared there is a plot afoot, the Yellow Peril raising its ugly head, but in full irony more in the mood of Thoroughly Modern Millie than Dr. Fu Manchu.
German secret agent Karl Von Blauner (Alexander Dore) has allied with Chinese assassins to assassinate Albany and they want to know what Cigarette knows too, leading to a white slavery ring, Virgin and Doublette trapped in a flooding chamber beneath enemy headquarters, an assassination attempt at a concert, and a final blowout at the Moulin Rouge with Albany surrounded by would be assassins.
Along the way the mysterious Mrs. Virginia Cortez (Veronica Strong) appears across the hall from the Albany to lend a hand foiling the assassination while Virgin rescues Cigarette and others sold into White Slavery from a Chinese laundry. Mrs. Strong’s unexpected appearances no matter where Virgin’s adventures take him are a running joke in the series, likely an unsuccessful attempt to do a Victorian Mrs. Peel.
It’s all played tongue in cheek and completely straight-faced despite the absurdity of the plot and dialogue. It’s no easy thing to pull this kind of thing off, but the British do it splendidly and this plays many of the notes of The Avengers (not as stylish and closer to the Honor Blackman than the Diana Rigg episodes) and Adam Adamant Lives, with Greyn appropriately dashing, rather thick headed but good at his job, brave, and veddy British. It’s a played broader than say The Wild Wild West, but the same general feeling of laughing up the sleeve while still attending to the action and adventure elements applies here.
Everyone plays it straight but with more than enough humor with Dore particularly good as the villain, Carter as Doublette, and tall, blonde, handsome Greyn well cast as the hero. Unlike many attempts at this kind of thing the jokes mostly land and do so without the characters having to wink at the audience or step out of character.
Virgin of the Secret Service was devised by Ted Willis (Lord Willis) creator of the legendary long running police procedural television series P.C. 49 and author of Man-Eater, The Buckingham Palace Connection, and The Churchill Commando. It ran thirteen episodes in 1968 from ITC, and while it only ran the one season it is worth catching the episodes available on YouTube

March 20th, 2022 at 8:42 pm
There is not much known about this series; I found only a bare minimum of other information about it online. Some reviewers on IMBd look back on it with fond memories, and based on a quick scan of the YouTube video, I can see why. It looks like a lot of fun.
(David’s review is the only external one on IMDb.)
Most if not all of the other episodes show up in the catalog of the person who uploaded this one, along with a host several other equally obscure British TV shows from the 50s, 60s and 70s. I’ll pass on the early SF shows, but I’ll still never have the time to watch all of the other stuff there to see.
March 20th, 2022 at 11:32 pm
They obviously spent some money on this one despite the interior sets common to British series at the time period. It works well, and those few times it misfires it recovers quickly.
Do check out THE MIND OF MR. J. G. REEDER with Hugh Burden as Edgar Wallace’s mutton chop whiskered two-gun sleuth. Set in the 1920’s the series is great fun with well-known character actor Burden ideally cast as Reeder.
All the stories are based on Wallace stories the Reeder stories being easily his best detective stories.
GHOST SQUAD is quite good too with the great Donald Wolfit playing the sardonic boss of a team of international undercover operatives battling crime and Michael Quinn as Nick Cain his best man. The episode “Broken Dolls” about a serial killer murdering blonde British girls in Marseilles in recommended.
March 21st, 2022 at 10:15 pm
Yes, indeed. I’ve made a note of them all. Now it’s a matter of deciding just where to start.
February 12th, 2024 at 9:57 pm
Virgin was shot in color according to IMDB but the content on Youtube is black & white.