JOHN BIRKETT – The Last Private Eye. Michael Rhineheart #1, Avon, paperback original; 1st printing, March 1988.

   I bought this book because of the title. Unfortunately, Michael Rhineheart is “the best private investigator in Louisville,” which is bad news, as far as I am concerned. Louisville means horses. And horse racing, and doped horses, and rigged odds, and what a bore.

   Nothing here to change my mind. Rhineheart is “cool,” shrugs a lot, and wanders around with his fly open, Even though the bad guys are obvious, their undoing is only due to bad luck and their own bad temperaments. Rhineheart has nothing at all to do with it.

– Reprinted from Mystery.File.6, June 1988.


Bibliographic Update: There was a second book in the series, The Queen’s Mare (Avon, 1990), but not a third.