Mon 4 Dec 2023
Reviewed by Tony Baer: PAUL CAIN – Fast One.
Posted by Steve under Pulp Fiction , Reviews[12] Comments
PAUL CAIN – Fast One. Doubleday Doran, hardcover, 1933. Originally published serially in Black Mask magazine. Reprint editions include: Bonded Mystery #10, 1946. Avon #178, paperback, 1948. Southern Illinois University Press, hardcover, 1978. Popular Library, paperback, 1978. Black Lizard, paperback, 1987.
Gerry Kells is a retired gunman living in L.A. He’s now a gentleman gambler. Or at least a gambler. Whose bets are rarely gambles at all, since the fix is almost always in. That’s what he thinks.
L.A. is wide open, and various gangs are battling for control. Kells wants none of it. He thinks he can stay out of the fray by staying neutral.
But one by one, each of the mob bosses arrange a meeting, to hire his gun, to make him an offer he can’t refuse.
I’m quits, he repeats. Time and time again. I’m done. I don’t even carry a gun.
But no one believes him. They figure if he’s not with them, he’s against them. And they try to take him out.
And one by one, they lose. Yes, he’s just one man. But he’s plenty tough and a fast one with a piece.
The mobs keep pulling fast ones on him, only he’s faster. And before he knows it, he finds himself in a pretty good spot to take over L.A. himself. With a little luck, and some help from his moll Granquist and a couple of friends, he gives it a shot. Or however many shots he can, ’til the ammo runs out.
It reminds me a fair bit of Red Harvest — another open city Poisonville, but from a gunman’s perspective. And like the Continental OP, Kells is constrained in his violence by a sense of justice and fair play missing from his adversaries. So while he’s no knight errant, he’s motivated as much by greed as revenge in the service of justice. Which he extracts, exactingly.
The prose is Hammer-like. But don’t be fooled into reading it quickly. While my edition was under 150 pages, the action is dense. He doesn’t belabor the action. With spartan description: Double and triple crosses occur in an eye’s wink, and if you don’t take your time in reading and re-reading the lines as they come at you, you’ll find yourself lost. There’s lots of players and more action than you can shake a gat at. No time to flick off the safety. Be ready. It’s coming at you at the speed of birdshot.
This is my third time reading it in the span of maybe twenty-five years. There’s so much action that I remembered very few of the details going into it. The sheer amount and speed of the action gives the book a level of re-readability seldom found. And I enjoyed it more and understood it better this time than ever before.
I’d put it in the pre-1933 hardboiled canon, with the other cannonballs being Maltese Falcon, Red Harvest, Glass Key, Green Ice, Death in a Bowl, You Can’t Win, Louis Beretti, Young Lonigan, Sanctuary, Daughter of Earth, Georgia Nigger, the writings of Jim Tully and Hemingway, Life in the Iron Mills, and precious little else.
Highest possible praise for this groundbreaking hardboiled novel.
December 4th, 2023 at 10:49 pm
A remarkable novel that has some depth beneath the almost unending action. Granquist is one of the great dames of the genre fully equal to Kells, and the book rises to the level of a sort of
hard-boiled poetry of violence.
Not only is it highly re-readable it contains such startling twists and turns you could almost start rereading as soon as you finished and find enough surprises to make it seem a new read.
While the movie, GAMBLING SHIP (available on YouTube), with Cary Grant as Kells takes many liberties with the story the basics are still there, and we can only wish we had seen Grant as the Kells of the book (though that is hinted at as Cary is on trial at the novels start for a shooting in New York and there is a good bit about him hanging up his guns and running into trouble over his reputation).
I seem to recall reviewing this here a long time ago, and I agree with everything Tony says about it.
December 4th, 2023 at 10:58 pm
David, Your combined review of the book and the movie is here:
Bill Pronzini’s 1001 MIDNIGHTS review of the book is here:
And Walker Martin talks about the book extensively here:
You can watch the movie here:
December 4th, 2023 at 11:06 pm
And FYI, if you happen to be interested, the asking price of the Doubleday hardcover edition, shown at the top. up above, is $27,500.
December 5th, 2023 at 7:44 am
I recently ordered LEAD PARTY, which is the complete fiction works of Paul Cain. I haven’t received my copy yet but it can be ordered from It is one of their deluxe big editions and looks like a must buy. Price is $115 but looks worth it.
December 5th, 2023 at 9:16 am
“Is that a game of chance?”
“Not the way I play it.” – My Little Chickadee.
If I remember rightly, Kells and Granquist – especially Granquist – put away more booze than any other characters even in The Black Mask’s stories.
December 5th, 2023 at 9:22 am
THE GLASS KEY was a major inspiration for Cain’s insular, inscrutable gamblers/fixers, I’m thinking. I used to have both the 1946 Avon printing and the 1978 Popular Library edition. I still have Centipede Press’ THE COMPLETE SLAYERS from a few years ago. THE COMPLETE SLAYERS contained the original Black Mask linked-novelettes that Cain combined/reworked into FAST ONE. The TOC for LEAD PARTY also includes “Fast One,” so I’m presuming it contains the reworked novel alongside the original novelettes.
December 5th, 2023 at 9:23 am
Kells (to Grandquist): “Can I get you a glass–or a funnel?”
December 6th, 2023 at 12:17 am
Happened across it via random chance and it lit a bonfire under my britches. Raised me out of my seat. At the time, I hadn’t ever encountered anything else like it except ‘Red Harvest’. I forced myself to read it just a few pages at a time to prolong the enjoyment.
Particularly savored the coarseness, the bluntness, the nastiness; the way Kells just seems to despise some characters on sight. It was refreshing.
I’ve still never seen anyone write quite like this except for B. Traven’s ‘Death Ship’.
p.s. swell review!
December 6th, 2023 at 8:54 am
Death Ship: I love that book. Why I neglected to mention it in the pre-1933 canon is pure oversight. The voice in Death Ship is, as you say, powerfully, refreshingly blunt in a way never really seen before and not enough since (I almost wrote ‘not enough sense’ which would also probably be true). I find the same voice pervades Travens’s The Cotton-Pickers. Not quite up there with Death Ship–but what is?
December 8th, 2023 at 8:24 am
Reread for the first time in more than twenty years. Definitely ODTAA.
Kells is indestructible – the injuries he takes and the booze he gets through would each kill him on their own, let alone together.
Cain’s motto “When you don’t know what to do, have a man come through the door with a gun in his hand. If you still don’t know what to do, have another man come through the door with a gun in his hand and shoot the first one.”
December 8th, 2023 at 11:14 am
That quote is usually attributed to Raymond Chandler (though it certainly applies to Paul Cain as well), and even that seems to have been difficult to pin down:
December 8th, 2023 at 1:48 pm
Steve: if you look a bit closer you’ll see I think Cain improved(?) on Chandler.