Sun 24 Mar 2024
Reviewed by David Vineyard: DOUGLAS PRESTON & LINCOLN CHILD – The Cabinet of Dr. Leng.
Posted by Steve under Reviews[5] Comments
DOUGLAS PRESTON & LINCOLN CHILD – The Cabinet of Dr. Leng. Agent Pendergast #21. Grand Central, hardcover, January 2023; paperback, September 2023.
Previously in the Pendergast saga in Bloodless, volume twenty, FBI Special Agent Aloyious Pendergast had discovered that his apprentice and companion Constance was in fact immortal and had grown up in the madhouse and mansion of terror of serial killer and mad scientist Dr. Leng in the 19th Century.
Now as volume twenty-one, The Cabinet of Dr. Leng, opens, Constance has discovered a one way ticket back to the 19th Century where she plans to destroy Leng and save the life of her brother and sister leaving Pendergast trying to find a way to save her while his friend Vincent D’Gosta of NYPD Homicide investigates the case of the frozen curator of the Museum of Natural History where his first adventure with Pendergast, Relic, took place twenty-two books earlier.
Have to catch my breath after that.
And if that hasn’t chased you off…
The long running Pendergast saga of bestselling thrillers has been one of the great modern pulp sagas, half mystery/detective mixed with SF, horror, the Gothic tradition, monsters, immortal villains (Wilkie Collins’ Count Fosco showed up as the villain in Brimstone), and whatever else the two have chosen to throw in the mix. Pendergast is a Holmesian figure given to eccentricity and mysterious statements and perhaps the best of the series has been the two trilogies the Diogenes Trilogy and the Helen Trilogy (Diogenes is Pendergast’s dangerous and mad brother and Helen was his wife) while the work in question is the first volume in yet another trilogy so a cliffhanger is guaranteed.
You can be certain Pendergast and D’Agosta will manage to travel back to 19th Century New York to match wits with Dr. Leng (shades of Berkeley Square and John Dickson Carr’s Fire Burn and The Devil in Velvet) and there will be thrills, melodrama, and twists enough for a French serial novel by Dumas, Sue, or, Feval (maybe all three) with a smattering of Universal Pictures Horror classics and Hammer Films.
It is all done straight faced with absolute conviction, and whatever the flaws of the two writers, spinning a plot and creating interesting characters are not among their weaknesses. It’s all a bit like the theater of Grand Guignol where half the fun is how well they get away with all the theatrics. Mad men, serial killers, ancient monsters, mysterious Tibetian secret knowledge, and super villains haunt these pages all pitted against the eccentric and high-handed Pendergast and by now a small army of regulars who aide him.
Pendergast is surely one of the great modern detectives however wild his detections get, modeled on Holmes, but more likely to face the kind of enemies Sexton Blake and Arsene Lupin did, and where else do you get dialogue like this bit addressed by Pendergast to D’Gosta:
You just don’t get dialogue like that often these days. Frozen curators and nostalgic zombies just don’t haunt the pages of pulp fiction as the once did back in the good old days of The Spider, Operator # 5, and The Green Lama.
This review is a bit tongue-in-cheek, as are the books, but the books are highly enjoyable and excellent time-killers that keep readers happily turning pages and coming back.
March 25th, 2024 at 10:41 am
I’ve seen these DOUGLAS PRESTON & LINCOLN CHILD books over the years but resisted them. Given your fine review, I’ll pick one up next chance I get. Time travel, immortals, murder, and Grand Guignol…how can I resist?
March 25th, 2024 at 1:50 pm
My personal reading recommendation for this long series would be to start with RELIC (and its sequel RELIQUARY), and then jump to the Diogenes and Helen trilogies that fill in a great deal of Pendergast’s intriguing history. BRIMSTONE, featuring Count Fosco as a villain, is far and away my favorite among the books,
I was always a fan of the boys, loving books like ICE LIMIT and RIPTIDE, but the Pendergast saga has really grown on me.
The books are a saga, and you could easily read them in order, but it isn’t necessary in order to enjoy them.
The Diogenes Trilogy consists of BRIMSTONE, DANCE OF DEATH, and BOOK OF THE DEAD.
There really hasn’t been anything quite like this since the 19th Century French feullitons, newspaper serials like the works of Dumas and Hugo, but also Ponson Du Terrail’s Rocambole saga, Paul Feval’s the Black Coats saga, or Jean de la Hire’s tales of the Nyctalope.
March 25th, 2024 at 2:04 pm
That’s quite a run through of the other books in the series, David, and you’ve just answered all of the questions I was going to ask — before I could even get to them. Thanks!
March 29th, 2024 at 9:53 am
Thank you, David, for providing that essential information. I’ll be looking for these books now that I know they’re in the school of Dumas and Hugo! I’m very impressed by your references to Ponson Du Terrail’s Rocambole saga, Paul Feval’s the Black Coats saga, and Jean de la Hire’s tales of the Nyctalope. I knew you were well read…but this clinches it!
May 31st, 2024 at 1:08 am
[…] brilliant David Vineyard, who contributes frequently to Steve Lewis’s excellent blog, Mystery*File, wrote a review of Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child’s The Cabinet of Dr. Leng–the 21st […]