Reviewed by TONY BAER:


JOHN McPARTLAND – The Wild Party. Gold Medal #596, paperback original; 1st printing, 1956. MacFadden 60-367, paperback, date?  Film: United Artists, 1956.

   Tom Kupfen is a hulking psychopath. Former football player. Hell with the ladies who love a sweaty bull.

   Gorgeous debutante Erica London is out on the town with her fiancé, Lieutenant Arthur Mitchell, fighter pilot. They decide to go slumming with the lowdown miscreant jazz musicians living hand to bop.

   Erica falls for psycho Tom. For just a moment. But the moment is long enough for Tom to dream dreams of what a rich foxy lady like Erica could do for him. And he for her. He won’t let go. He kicks her fiancé’s ass. And the only out is death.

   Forgettable. Made into a 1956 film with Anthony Quinn as the bad guy.