Sun 19 Jan 2025
A Movie Review by Jonathan Lewis: SHATTERED (2007).
Posted by Steve under Crime Films , Reviews[3] Comments
SHATTERED. Lionsgate, 2007. Pierce Brosnan, Maria Bello, Gerard Butler, Emma Karwandy. Director: Mike Barker.
Shattered, released in the United Kingdom under the more dramatic title Butterfly on a Wheel, offers the viewer a solid cast, an intriguing premise, and a great deal of suspense. Unfortunately, it doesn’t capitalize on these positive aspects. Instead, the movie takes its leisurely time to finally get to the point. And when it finally does, let’s just say the big reveal is somewhat underwhelming.
The premise and the plot are as follows. Suburban Chicago couple Neil (Gerald Butler) and Abby Randall (Maria Bello) are in what appears to be a happy, loving marriage. They have a young daughter Sophie whom they adore. While Neil works as a power broker at an advertising agency, Abby stays home to raise their child. Everything seems swell until one day a mysterious stranger with a gun (Pierce Brosnan) shows up in the back of their car and threatens their daughter’s life.
For the next hour or so, the film revolves around Brosnan’s character putting the couple through a series of tests and ordeals. To what point and why, you might ask. That’s a good question and one the filmmakers should have thought of answering earlier in the movie than they did. Let’s just say it has something to do with Neil not being the completely upstanding husband he purports to be.
I’ll confess that, despite its flaws, the movie kept me entertained. Or at least glued enough to the television that I wanted to know what was going to happen next. But would I watch Shattered again? Surely not. Overall assessment: intriguing premise, but an ultimate letdown. Brosnan deserved better than his thankless role.

January 21st, 2025 at 12:37 pm
I really liked it myself 🙂
Funnily enough, Pierce’s Goldeneye costar Sean Bean made a very similar film a few years later called Cash.
January 21st, 2025 at 1:39 pm
The movie is entertaining enough, but I think Jon is correct in suggesting it has no staying power. I have no urge to watch it again any time soon. Ask me again in four or five years, maybe.
January 25th, 2025 at 1:29 am
Great cast, but it doesn’t go anywhere.