Thu 1 Mar 2007
More on MORTON WOLSON, a/k/a pulp author Peter Paige.
Posted by Steve under Authors , Pulp Fiction[6] Comments
Here now is the complete version of what Peter Wolson had to say about his father, as he sent it to me later via email. –Steve
I am Mort Wolson’s son, a psychoanalyst in Beverly Hills, and can tell you a lot about him. But first some corrections. He was living in Leisure World in Laguna Hills, with his wife Gaye when he died of congestive heart failure. He was 89.
The William Bendix episode, “Prime Suspect,” was based on his story, “The Attacker.”
His first published ‘pulp’ narrative was “I Guard Nudes,” when he was a bouncer at the Cuban Village in the 1939 World Fair in which he described his job protecting the strippers from overly enthusiastic men and putting wraps on their bodies as they left the stage. It was printed in the pulp magazine Black Mask in September, 1939.
The Nightmare Blonde was based on a previous novella, “Softly Creep, Softly Kill,” which anticipated The Bad Seed. “Softly Creep, Softly Kill” was published in Detective Tales, August, 1947. Mort always felt that this work was plagiarized by the author of The Bad Seed.
Mort always regarded his detective stories as puzzles in which he would constantly try to fool the reader, while the clues for the denouement would be embedded in the material. But they came easily to him and, unfortunately, he did not regard them as valuable as writing the great American novel. So he spent the bulk of his time and energy during the fifties and beyond writing what he regarded as “serious fiction.”
One such attempt was about a dual personality. In in one internal world, the assumption prevailed that Hannibal had successfully crossed the alps and defeated the Romans, with civilization developing in North Africa, in which blacks became the majority population and whites, the minority. In the other split-off personality, the world was as it is today, with the clash between the worlds occurring in the individual’s mind.
Another novel was entitled Nightmare Bullet, in which a scientist had discovered how to insert a nuclear device in a bullet, and this involved foreign espionage. Mort also wrote a book about his experiences in the Spanish Civil War, called The Dragon Lady and I. He also wrote over a hundred sonnets to Gaye, his third wife, in the literary form of true Shakespearean sonnets.
Clearly, he did best at writing pulp detective stories, and most of his stories published in Black Mask and Dime Detective, were the main feature, with the magazine covers representing their themes. He respected Raymond Chandler, Cornell Woolrich and Dashiell Hammet, but had contempt for Mickey Spillane, feeling that he cheated to earn his fame by exaggerating blood and gore.
The lapse in his writing was due to his efforts to earn a living as a furniture store owner, which occupied most of his time. In retirement, he was able to write The Nightmare Blonde and his memoirs.
Mort was a very good-looking, manly, powerfully built, blond-haired individual, who smoked a pipe and loved to argue. He prided himself on being a divergent thinker, and loved to take the most oppositional point of view in any discussion, to the delight of some, and to the dismay of others.
Thanks for your interest in him.
March 1st, 2007 at 9:01 pm
Thanks for the interesting information about an excellent pulp author.
March 1st, 2007 at 9:07 pm
Hi, Monte. I’ve just received another email from Peter Wolson, who will be sending me some more information about his father, along with a photo or two of him, I hope. One of the things he said this evening was that he was named after his father’s pen name.
April 4th, 2007 at 10:13 am
[…] Yes I read the Morton Wolson post but somehow missed the letter from his son. I think I mentioned to you a couple years ago how I had tracked Morton Wolson down and visited him in his furniture store in Manhattan. […]
August 27th, 2007 at 7:58 am
[…] The second time came soon thereafter, when Morton’s son Peter spotted the review and sent me an email outlining quite a bit more information about him. […]
June 3rd, 2009 at 9:04 pm
My wife and I met Mort when we had Gaye in our architecture class at Saddleback College. He used to tell us of Agnes, his “girlfriend” that was around and would leave just before Gaye would come back. We lost touch with Gaye after Mort’s passing, and heard with great sorrow from our architecture teacher that Gaye passed on too. I landed a job at Laguna Woods Village (Leisure World)the month of Gaye’s passing, and tried to remember her address so I could stop by for a visit. This was before the phone call from the architect. We will miss them both terribly.
March 11th, 2016 at 5:40 am
Morton Wolson, aka Peter Paige, appears on this January 31, 1958 episode of TIC TAC DOUGH: