I can use my wife’s computer to post here, but without having access to my scanner and WordPerfect files upstairs, not to mention the Internet itself, there aren’t any easy workaround’s to be able to say this blog will be back in business anytime soon.

Every time I think I’ve found all of the bad stuff on my computer, I blink twice and it comes back. Last night I was able to receive and send email for the first time, but I can’t use Firefox as a browser, or so it seems. Whenever I try, it stalls and goes dead, and when I give Explorer a try, it sends me a continual stream of error messages and popup windows, even after I turn it off and stop using it.

I don’t know if it was coincidence or not, but it was right after I’d downloaded the latest version of Firefox (and/or the fixes and add-ons that came soon after) that the troubles began.

It’s time to let the professionals go to work, I think. I have a new computer that I can switch over to, but setting up the networking is beyond me. And if they can clean up the old one while they’re here, it can always be saved as a backup machine so we can have easy access to the Internet whenever we want downstairs.

So that’s the news from here. Not good, but not disastrously bad. Go out and enjoy the good weather, which I hope is as nice where you are as it is here today. I am!