Sun 26 Sep 2010
COLLECTING PULPS: A MEMOIR, Part One – Black Mask, by Walker Martin.
Posted by Steve under Collecting , Columns , Pulp Fiction[27] Comments
by Walker Martin
In the 1940’s an admirer of Raymond Chandler’s fiction wrote a letter asking Chandler if it was possible to obtain back issues of the magazines containing his stories. Chandler responded that it was just about impossible to find such back issues and he doubted if the correspondent would have any luck.
Jump ahead more than 20 years to 1968 and that was my attitude also. I had been a SF fan for over 10 years collecting the pulps and digests, attending the SF conventions and reading the fanzines.
Since I also was reading a lot of mainstream literature and mystery fiction, I was interested in back issue magazines that published fiction other than SF, but I was not finding the issues.
I figured the SF and hero pulps survived because of teen age boys and their drive to collect things. So I reasoned that the adults must have read and thrown away their copies of the adult pulps like Black Mask, Adventure, Dime Detective, Short Stories, etc.
However, in 1968 a life changing event occurred and I know we all laugh when we hear those words because often it is not really THAT “life changing”. But it was in my case and I never really realized the impact of simply buying one paperback until decades later when I was almost crushed by a collapsing, heavily loaded bookcase full of detective pulps.
As I lay there too stunned to move, I began the process of thinking how had my reasonable SF collection turned into a massive amount of pulps, vintage paperbacks, books, etc.
The event I’m talking about is the mundane task of buying a book titled The Hardboiled Dicks, edited by Ron Goulart. It was a collection of crime stories from such pulps as Black Mask, Dime Detective, Detective Fiction Weekly. After reading the stories and Goulart’s editorial comments, I realized without a doubt, it was possible to collect the detective pulps and the genres such as western and adventure fiction.
I wrote Goulart and asked him if it was possible to buy his copies of the detective magazines that he had used for his research. I’m happy to say he wrote back and sold me all the copies he had for only a couple bucks each.
These few pulps that he sold me eventually caused me to accumulate complete sets of Black Mask and Dime Detective and an almost complete set of Detective Fiction Weekly, not to mention the other titles that I started to also collect. Almost 40 years later Ron Goulart wrote in my copy of The Hardboiled Dicks, “For Walker, whose life I ruined”.
“Whose life I ruined” just about sums up the thoughts and feelings of many non-collectors when they see a house full of books and old magazines. I could give dozens of examples but I’ll try and control myself and just mention one early story from 1969 involving collectors, non-collectors, and romance.
At the time I was busy writing hundreds of letters to collectors, book stores, etc. in an attempt to put together complete sets of Black Mask and the other detective magazines. This was pre-Pulpcon and the Internet did not exist, so everything was by regular slow mail.
The Collector’s Bookstore in California sent me a package of about a dozen Black Mask’s from the thirties. Needless to say I was checking my mail every day but the day they came I was at work and the package was returned to the main post office. I showed up early the next morning before work with the postal slip saying there had been a failed attempt to deliver.
The Trenton NJ post office was a massive structure and the postal clerk returned after a few minutes and told me he could not find the package. The next few minutes are still a blur in my memory, but let’s just say the head postal inspector was summoned and he tried to calm me down by saying there was nothing to worry about since the package was insured.
I imagine every fellow collector reading this knows my response along the lines of “I didn’t care about the insurance, the magazines were rare collectables and irreplaceable.”
After another long delay and search they found the stack of Black Mask’s with just some twine wrapped around them and no package left at all.
When I arrived at work I was completely frazzled and shaken. The employees I worked with could not understand why I was so upset about some old crumbly magazines.
After I regained control, I showed the stack to a girl I was interested in who had the desk behind me. I told her about the importance of Raymond Chandler and Dashiell Hammett and even asked her if she would like to read any of the magazines.
Her response of “no” was a deal breaker and the end of any possible romance. I never did have any luck in finding a woman who liked pulps.
So began my lonely occupation of collecting back issues. The great number of letters I was mailing resulted in many collectors across the country selling me Black Mask’s . Richard Minter, who was the greatest mail order pulp dealer who ever lived, was especially helpful.
At first he was surprised because all his customers were mainly SF and hero pulp collectors. He had no one interested in the detective magazines. But because of his extensive contacts among old time collectors, he started mailing me a steady stream of packages, all wrapped in brown paper with string and old stamps that someone must have paid him with.
I know this is hard to believe but he was asking only 2 or 3 dollars per pulp. This was the average price I was paying and the set was almost completed except for a very few issues.
My main activity during 1969,1970, and 1971 revolved around finding back issues of Black Mask. I cared nothing for my work career, it was just a means to be able to collect. By the first Pulpcon in 1972 I had a complete set of the 340 issues except I was lacking one hard to find issue, October 1921. Some of the issues were in rough shape, and for many years I continued to upgrade.
At first, I had no real competition but as I started to rave to other collectors, my enthusiasm created the market and other people started to pick up issues. There was a fellow collector in Trenton who I kept talking to about how great the magazine was, and before I realized my stupidity, he was my main competitor.
We both eventually ended up with complete sets and as far as I know there were only a couple other extensive runs, including one at UCLA, but nothing complete.
At the end, in order to beat out the competition, I was sending dealers more than they asked for because I figured they would sell to me even if another collector beat me to the item. Many a time, someone would ask $5 for example and I send them double the amount, with my comment of “I feel the issue is worth more”. It always seemed to work.
Concerning the October 1921 issue, there must have been something wrong with print run of that date or perhaps many copies were destroyed in some accident, etc.
I say this because out of 340 issues, 1920-1951, the two collectors with almost complete sets both needed this same issue. For many years I advertised and hunted for it and finally dealer Jack Deveny, at an early eighties Pulpcon, conducted a mini auction between me and several collectors. There was no way I was not going to get the issue and my sealed bid won at over $700. Back then, this was an unheard amount to pay.
Eventually, I tracked down three original Black Mask cover paintings, all from the 1940’s. One of them I managed to get from artist Raphael Desoto after a weekend of talking to him at an early book convention. I cried, I whined, I begged, etc. Nothing is too shameful among serious, out of control collectors.
I also manage to find a stack of canceled checks paying Black Mask writers and artists. When I bought them back in the 1970’s no one would even pay $1.00 each. Now they bring far higher amounts.
After Black Mask died in 1951, Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine bought the title and beginning with May 1953 issue had a section in each issue reprinting two stories from the magazine. Eventually they cut back to one story and even published new stories in the Black Mask tradition.
They soon added the subtitle “including Black Mask Magazine” on the contents page. This subtitled continued off and on through the fifties and sixties and I see it appearing even as late as the September, 1973 date.
I’ve done extensive reading in the magazine during almost four decades. The twenties are not that readable, except for Dashiell Hammett, Frederick Nebel, Raoul Whitfield and Erle Stanley Gardner. Some readers even like Carroll John Daly.
By the time Joe Shaw took over in late 1926, things began to improve and he encouraged the above writers. Most readers find the thirties the best and even some collectors present an argument for the 1940’s when Popular Publications took over with Ken White as the editor.
Behind Hammett and Chandler, I think Paul Cain was the best writer even though he was not that prolific, then Nebel, Whitfield, and Norbert Davis. The 1940’s are full of excellent writers like Merle Constiner, John D. Macdonald, Robert Reeves, D. L. Champion, Cornell Woolrich, William Campbell Gault, and others.
To collect the magazine nowadays would require a lot of money and I’m not even sure a set could be put together. Hammett and Chandler issues are expensive, going for hundreds of dollars each. I recently saw the 5 issue “Maltese Falcon” issues go for almost $4000 and I thought this price was too low.
Even without these two authors in the issue the 20’s and 30’s go for over one or two hundred, according to condition. The forties still are affordable with plenty of readable stories and it’s possible to find issues at the $25 to $50 price.
Fortunately for readers who want to sample the fiction there are several collections:
The Hard-Boiled Omnibus, edited by Joseph Shaw
The Hardboiled Dicks, edited by Ron Goulart
The Hard-Boiled Detective: Stories from Black Mask Magazine, edited by Herbert Ruhm
The Back Mask Boys, edited by William Nolan
The Black Lizard Big Books of Pulps edited by Otto Penzler (most of the stories).
The Black Lizard Big Book of Black Mask Stories, edited by Otto Penzler (over 50 stories!)
Thus ends my story of a 40 year love affair with a pulp. I can truthfully say I have only learned two things in life, “The non-collector will never understand the collector.” And “Never take the advice of a non-collector concerning your collection.”
These two things are absolutely true and you might ask why? Because the non-collector knows absolutely nothing about your collection and just sees it as so much clutter, waste of money, and a crazy waste of time. But we know different, don’t we.
COMING SOON: Part Two — Collecting Dime Detective.
September 26th, 2010 at 9:06 pm
Haven’t read the article yet, but I had to comment immediately on those covers. Nice! And that cover on the Penzler collection–words fail me. If you like blondes and with guns, you’ve found your dream dame!
September 26th, 2010 at 10:14 pm
Most people think collecting is a disease, those of us in the know realise it is a religion.
The only cure I know of is the ascension to the Big Bookstore in the Sky, since even poverty doesn’t deter the true collector. And I suspect a few of us will be haunting bookstores and pulp conventions if we can manage it.
As for finding a partner who shares our fanaticism, about the best we can hope for is tolerance. I don’t complain about the doilies and stuffed animals and they don’t complain — too much — about the books.
It’s the collectors equivlent of MAD — Mutually Assured Destruction.
September 27th, 2010 at 11:18 am
A “Gripping, Smashing” collecting story! I’m tempted to use you and your ruined life as the basis of my character’s jealousy in Patti Abbott’s upcoming flash fiction challenge.
P.S. Chalk me up as one of those readers who even like Carroll John Daly, and like him even better than Gardner and Whitfield.
September 27th, 2010 at 12:02 pm
I asked Walker late last night what he might have in mind for future installments of his memoirs. Here’s his reply:
“Coming Next will be DIME DETECTIVE. After that I was thinking DFW, Street & Smith’s DETECTIVE STORY, WESTERN STORY (I intend to present the argument that western fiction is just not only about the West but also usually has a crime or mystery element), the Doubleday pulps (SHORT STORIES, WEST, and FRONTIER), ALL STORY, etc. I might do an entry on the various pulp guests I met at Pulpcon and my memories of the stories they related to me. These are ideas I’ve thought about for years but only just now started to think of writing for Mystery*File.”
Keep in mind, though, that these are only tentative ideas. Don’t hold either Walker and I responsible if some of the above don’t happen right away, or for any other change in direction this series may take!
September 27th, 2010 at 4:28 pm
Walker, enjoyed your story. I’m not a collector of anything, but completely understand the desire to have, hold, rescue, preserve, and cherish the ephemeral and undervalued…
September 27th, 2010 at 7:25 pm
Being a book, pulp, and art collector can be a lonely occupation and you can easily be misunderstood by the non-collector. But it has its rewards beyond the joy of finding obscure and rare items.
For instance, the great collector friends that I spent time with today. Most of these collectors I have known between 30 and 40 years! First Scott Hartshorn and Digges La Touche met me for breakfast at 8:30 am in Lambertville, NJ. Then we drove up to Morristown, NJ and met Ed Hulse and Nick Certo at the Old Book Store in Morristown. We then had a massive lunch at an Irish Pub while talking about a complete set of PHANTOM DETECTIVE, all 170 issues in fine condition, that is for sale by a long time collector. A once in a life time chance. Unfortunately, despite the great condition, we just about all agreed the magazine was unreadable!
Here’s another insane collector story: while in the bookstore I came across a set of 65 issues of the excellent critical journal, THE MYSTERY FANCIER. That’s almost a complete run lacking a few issues and the price was only $65, a dollar an issue. Despite already having a set since I subscribed to it during 1978-1992, I quickly bought the second set just to have it again. Now I have two sets. By the way Steve, I saw many of your early reviews in your department in THE MYSTERY FANCIER called Mystery File. A great magazine edited by Guy Townsend.
September 27th, 2010 at 8:45 pm
I have two copies of some issues of MYSTERY FANcier, but between the two sets I have, I’m not sure if I have a complete run or not.
I’ve had my own set from the beginning, but I’d drifted away from fandom toward the end of the run, and when my subscription ran out, I didn’t renew, and I missed the last year’s worth of issues.
Then before my friend Jim Goodrich died, he sent me his set, which would have been complete, but I have a feeling that one or two may have gotten mislaid over the years.
Anyway you’ll find lots of my reviews in the first few years of the magazine, lots of them. Some of them I’ve been reprinting here on the blog. Mystery*File has really been around, in all kinds of formats. That column of reviews in Guy’s zine was done between issues when M*F was a magazine on its own.
In any case, the Old Book Store is richer by $65, and you have a piece of history, Walker. I wish I’d been there!
September 28th, 2010 at 12:38 am
I’m looking forward to all the posts, but particularly the western one. As you say mystery played a big role in many western tales. Hope you will have time to comment on its role both in W.C. Tuttle and Luke Short’s work.
September 28th, 2010 at 1:20 am
I just got an Argosy with a J. S. Fletcher cover story $10. I’ve only ever bought a handful of magazines and pulps, however.
Fascinating stuff. I wonder how many bookshelf fatalities there have been, incidentally?
September 28th, 2010 at 5:32 am
Curt mentions bookcase fatalities. There have been a few and for many years I carried a newspaper clipping in my wallet which related a story of a book collector who was killed by his collapsing bookcase.
In addition to my personal experience which I mention in the BLACK MASK piece, my son was in our computer room which has two walls lined with bookcases of Heritage Book Club editions. The whole shebang fell over spilling hundreds of books and fortunately missing him at the computer desk. I was really worried about the condition of the books. I knew my son was ok because I could hear him yelling behind the jumble of bookshelves and books.
September 28th, 2010 at 4:25 pm
Obviously I didn’t die, but I was knocked off a step ladder, got a concussion, and eventually had to have surgery on a badly twisted ankle from a bookcase related accident. Over the years I’ve gotten a black eye, and broke the bridge of my nose from falling books — now I keep the lighter books on the higher shelves.
The nice thing about pulps is they don’t weigh much.
A Stephen King or Tom Clancy could be lethal.
However, most collectors would likely consider death by book a perfect ending.
I’ve wondered for years if the pulp market was really about scarcity or percieved value. I collected the Nick Carter Nickel Library well into the early 90’s and never paid more than $12 for an issue, but by the mid seventies pulps were already becoming pricey, and I don’t think I ever picked up a BLACK MASK for less than $25 — even less collectable ones.
On the other hand you can still do well on some of the sf and western pulps, even that higly collectable ASTOUNDING with the Rodgers cover for GRAY LENSMAN.
The Net doesn’t seem to have knocked the legs out from under the pulp market the way it did paperbacks and comic books.
September 28th, 2010 at 6:49 pm
David, I’ve thought about this question of scarcity and value of pulps and I hope to have an entry covering this subject. Steve has some ideas I’m sure as do others.
I do want to talk about Luke Short and WC Tuttle, two of my favorite western writers. The part discussing WESTERN STORY probably will cover Short and the Doubleday pulp part will be a good time to discuss Tuttle. Of course these ideas and plans are always open to revision and change.
September 30th, 2010 at 9:06 am
I would like to comment about what David L. Vineyard had to say about Pulp conventions being haunted. I like to think that the spirits of people like Andy Biegel, Mike Avallone, Rick Minter and others have found their way to Windy City and PulpFest.
I am looking forward to reading Walker’s additional thoughts about collecting.
September 30th, 2010 at 4:27 pm
Walker, I’m looking forward to the analysis of Westerns as crime stories. Americans have looked down on the western pulps, but they’re plugged right into our cultural mythology — just as much as the crime and mystery pulps were, if not more.
I’m thinking that because they often played more directly to the youth audience, they’re often dismissed as juvenalia. But with a little bit of thought you can start naming plenty of famous western writers who came up through the pulp ranks.
September 30th, 2010 at 10:07 pm
I should have asked this question the day the post went up. When you were putting together the Black Mask set did any dealers ask a premium for either Hammett or Chandler issues? I know you have mentioned to me that you paid as little as $2.00 for 1920’s & 30’s back then. How much more, if anything did these two bigwigs command? They certainly bring a premium these days. Just wondering what it was like in the 70’s.
September 30th, 2010 at 11:09 pm
Barry: I miss Mike Avallone, Andy Biegel, and Richard Minter also. Not to mention Bob Sampson, Harry Noble, and Sheldon Jaffrey. These men were major pulp collectors and great friends, playing a big role in my collecting life. I’ll be mentioning them in future parts of Collecting Pulps.
Mike: Thanks for your comments. I’ve started to think about western pulp fiction in relation to the other pulps and maybe we can cover some interesting areas.
Paul: I’m glad you mentioned this question about the cost of Hammett and Chandler issues in the 1970’s. I know it’s hard to believe but basically there was no premium on issues in the early 1970’s, and if there was it was such a small amount that I can’t even remember it. First edition collectors seemed to look down on the pulps and not consider them as the true first editions.
However by the time I completed my BLACK MASK and DIME DETECTIVE sets in the mid-1970’s, collectors were starting to pay more for Hammett and Chandler. As you know, the prices have steadily increased since then. Since I’ve seen the prices increase each decade, I have even more respect for these two writers than most dealers. For instance, if I was selling the recent BLACK MASKS that hit the market, I would have charged even more for the Hammett and Chandler issues. And if no one wanted to pay the prices, fine, I’d keep them.
Certain key issues, I would have charged alot more for also, such as the Vol 1, No 1 issue, the outrageous KKK issue, the first Shaw issue, etc. Certainly the first Chandler, “Blackmailers Don’t Shoot” is worth for more than the prices I’ve seen. I see it as worth far more than a thousand dollars. As I may have mentioned getting the Hammett MALTESE FALCON five issues for less than $4,000 is a bargain. I know the collector that bought them and he would have paid far more, not because of Hammett but because they contained Gardner stories that he couldn’t find.
Another bargain, I just saw last week was a fine condition set of THE PHANTOM DETECTIVE, all 170 issues, selling for only $50 each. I’m sure everyone’s reaction is that comes to $8,500 and is alot of money. Fellow collectors, no it’s not because of the pristine and gorgeous condition of the magazines. I was stunned to see all 170 in this condition and frankly I would have bought it myself but for one reason. I never could read THE PHANTOM DETECTIVE. It’s one of those hero pulps that I just found hopeless but I know there are some collectors who can read the magazine and these people should have been willing to get a bank loan because this condition will never be seen again. And the funny thing is the collector who obtained the set DOES NOT read the pulps! Yes, you heard me right and don’t get me started on condition collectors who do not read.
October 2nd, 2010 at 4:43 pm
[…] on Mystery*File: Part One — Collecting Black Mask. Coming next: Part Three — Collecting Detective Fiction […]
November 6th, 2010 at 10:19 am
The cover to Otto Penzler’s The Black Lizard Big Book of Black Mask Stories is from Vol24 #10 (Feb 1942), by Rafael DeSoto.
I don’t have that issue, but it’s quite a cover!
Hope this helps,
October 29th, 2011 at 12:08 pm
Has any effort to put the entire text of Black Mask online for a price to read the entire collection? Or the Detective Magazines? That would be a good idea to fund collecting the entire run?
thank you,
January 3rd, 2012 at 1:02 am
Don, so far the entire collection of BLACK MASK is not online. There are copyright problems because many of the stories are still protected by that law. Plus the rights to BLACK MASK are owned by someone. However there are many reprint books coming out and a couple that are near completion will be reprinting the Tough Dick Donahue stories by Fred Nebel from BLACK MASK. Also the Kennedy and McBride stories will be out soon.
February 18th, 2013 at 10:31 am
Altus Press has published TOUGH AS NAILS: THE COMPLETE CASES OF DONAHUE FROM THE PAGES OF BLACK MASK. For my review of this excellent collection by Frederick Nebel see
February 18th, 2013 at 10:50 am
We live in the Golden Age of Pulp Reprints and it is difficult to keep up with all the excellent collections. I forgot to mention a very important collection by one of the best Black Mask authors: THE COMPLETE SLAYERS by Paul Cain(Centipede Press). Expensive but worth it. My review is at
April 8th, 2013 at 11:52 pm
It appears my love affair with BLACK MASK continues even at this late date. I recently bought one of the classic cover paintings from the thirties, February 1933. I’ve found three from the 1940’s but I’ve been looking for decades for one from the Joseph Shaw era. During the 1930’s BLACK MASK had some of the most distinctive and impressive pulp covers ever painted.
December 23rd, 2015 at 10:45 pm
The Hammett and Chandler stories in particular have long fascinated me. There was an old-fashioned newsstand just off Canal and Royal (New Orleans) that had a few of the old copies crammed onto the shelves; I pulled one just to see what it was like and promptly bought his entire stock (not much at that time, the early 70s).
I took them home to show some friends the WW2 generation, and they flipped. They told me to look for the early Hammett–“Poisonville [a city in a book]” was one hint they tossed my way; “Dead Yellow Women” was another. That sent me searching for all I could find of Hammett, but then I discovered Chandler. The books were by then old and crumbling, but there had been a renewed interest in Chandler, and reprints were available, and that was the path I chose.
I did eventually get a lot closer to Chandler than I had ever imagined when I found myself a denizen of the City of Angels, and travelled to all the locations in his books. Chandler’s ability to capture the hopeless and the helpless, the grifters, plotters and schemers, captured my imagination as much as did The Maltese Falcon upon first reading.
I’ve been a mystery lover since, wide ranging in finding another creator in the huge variety of undiscovered talent that was the pulps, and always ready to snap up yet another original pulp in some yard sale in some little burg.
Love your blog.
Best wishes.
December 23rd, 2015 at 11:35 pm
The 1970’s was when I found all the copies of BLACK MASK with Hammett and Chandler. Back then you could locate the issues and buy them at reasonable prices. Now they cost at least several hundred dollars each and I’ve seen copies go for close to a thousand dollars in fine condition.
June 24th, 2020 at 10:43 pm
Dear Mr. Martin,
I am a professor of English who is desperately trying to find a copy of the June 1, 1923 Ku Klux Klan issue of Dark Mask to read. I just want to read the content for a book I am writing.
If you have any idea about where I might be able to get a hold of a copy of an issue, I would appreciate it.
Thank you and all best,
Martha Patterson
Professor of English
McKendree University
August 12th, 2020 at 6:46 am
The infamous Ku Klux Klan issue of Black Mask presented views pro and con concerning the Klan. The actual issue itself is extremely rare and hard to find and quite expensive. At least several hundred dollars. However it has been reprinted but I checked and no copies are available at this time.
Perhaps the Library of Congress might have a copy.