Tue 3 May 2022
Pulp Stories I’m Reading: FREDERICK NEBEL “Winter Kill.â€
Posted by Steve under Pulp Fiction , Stories I'm Reading[6] Comments
FREDERICK NEBEL “Winter Kill.†Kennedy of the Free Press & Captain Steve MacBride #32. Novelette. First published in Black Mask, November 1935. Reprinted in The Hardboiled Dicks, edited by Ron Goulart. (Sherbourne Press, 1965). Collected in Winter Kill: The Complete Cases of MacBride & Kennedy, Volume 4: 1935-36 (Altus Press, 2014).
Russ Parcell is a cad, no way to get around that. A rich father’s son who drinks a lot, gambles a lot, and although married, runs around with cheap floozies a lot. He owes one gambling boss over $8500, which in 1935 would have been considered a lot of money, and the gambling boss is anxious to collect. It doesn’t make sense, then, for him to have killed Parcell, does it? The latter was found in the street,hid body frozen to death and covered with snow.
It is Kennedy of Free Press who figures out it was murder. Someone had poured water on him and sent him wandering out in the cold in a drunken stupor. It is also Kennedy who does most of the investigative work on the case, although Captain Steve MacBride is there for police backup whenever he’s needed.
It is also Kennedy who shows any personality in this particular story. He’s short and thin, and at times he can be almost invisible in a room, almost a shadow on the wall so that others also in the room can easily forget he’s there. He also drinks a lot, but whether he’s ever actually drunk is not easy to tell. He often learns a lot by pretending he’s had few too many.
MacBride, on the other hand, could just as well be another generic cop. Luckily for Kennedy, he doesn’t mind putting up with the latter’s various foibles.
The case, unfortunately, while long and involved, is not a particularly gripping one, and most of Kennedy’s legwork is done off screen, or with the motives for what he does do not revealed to the reader. The Kennedy-MacBride series was both a long one and very popular with the readers at the time. This particular story may not show them at their best.
Note: I first wrote a review of this story in 1967, and I posted it on this blog a few weeks ago. Follow the link and you can read it here.
May 3rd, 2022 at 6:13 pm
The news at Ontos blog is sad.
I don’t know how to comment there, technically.
Get well soon!
May 3rd, 2022 at 7:20 pm
Mike is referring to the news just posted on the blog owned and operated by Mike Tooney, whose reviews I’ve often posted here on MYSTERY*FILE.
Here’s the link:
May 3rd, 2022 at 6:22 pm
I found this tale disappointing too.
Have always enjoyed Dick Donahue and especially Cardigan more, than MacBride and Kennedy.
May 3rd, 2022 at 7:11 pm
I’m a bigger fan of Cardigan and Donahue too, but these stories were popular enough to inspire the Torchy Blaine film series that gave Kennedy a sex change, and others I’ve read, especially some of the longer novella length stories, feel like the basis for the series popularity.
At this length it’s pretty hard to characterize one major character much less two and still fit a plot in. Nebel and Kennedy and McBride are better represented in some of those big pulp reprint anthologies of recent years where there are room for full novels and novellas.
This one was enough to make me a Nebel fan from then on.
May 3rd, 2022 at 7:26 pm
You’re right. This was #32 in the series, meaning that most readers had been familiar with both of them for a long time. It’s easy to see why Nebel felt it OK to give Kennedy the bigger role. The plot of the story doesn’t give MacBride a whole lot to do, and there really isn’t any way to shoehorn him in.
As for the Torchy Blaine series, boy were those movies a lot of fun.
May 4th, 2022 at 9:52 am
A scary number of my friends have fallen lately so Mike’s dire predicament isn’t an uncommon one. A far number of family members and friends also report dealing with vertigo, another contributor to falling.
Stay safe…and upright!